I have not connected my msp account with my email address so what do I do, Well this did not help me cuz my ip user got blocked and I'm only 11 years old I don't know why I got blocked in the first place so I need some people to help me here. Solution. your messing peoples time up and wasting our money oh wait you only do it for the money!!!!!!!!!! Make sure you select a security question and provide your answer. When I got the 2 warnings, they gave no reasons either! By then it is up to them to unlock your account! According to the Moviestarplanet Help Guide, it is not possible to change your username.  You can try to contact the MSP support team and give them your reasoning but they will probably just tell you to create another account.  The only time I’ve heard of them allowing a username change is if your username is offensive or contains personal information like your real name or address. aghh i got a lock number + im 7 years old + i was banned from msp cuz of my mum and dad i spent money :\ I DONT KNOW HOW TO UNLOCK A LOCK NUMBER!! Who doesn't love being #1? When you try to log on you must have had a notice saying you are locked for _days and_ hours something like this. Moviestarplanet PLEASE PLEASE UNBLOCK ME FROM Moviestarplanet I plya this game every day when I get home from school and it feels lonely when I don't get to play this game anymore I really want you guys to unblock me I love this game but I have been hacked many times I'm scared if somebody hacks me please unblock me!I love this game ever since I first started!! I am uber unhappy. I have been waisting all my money for no reason, what have I ever done?? Then just make a new user and add me and i could help u move up levels by giving u fame everyday etc. If you don’t use a password manager, those complex passwords can be pretty hard to remember. I LOVE THIS GAME SOOO MUCH AND MY ACCOUNT GOT HACKED AND MY FRIEND HELPED ME GET IT BACK AFTER I SAW I WAS BLOCKED FROM MOVIESTARPLANET!!! But NOT me?! With the right tools, you will be able to retrieve all your emails back. They say if someone hacked you it would be their IP getting locked out, not yours. I made most of my friends on that account. Change the password in the one.com control panel. -_-, Wellmy friend made a way u make a another account and make it VIP then u give her your password then she does it. So, if you cant, then just use a friend's computer or, on the app. I have vip that ends this month. Go on MSP on a computer that you've never played MSP on. To find your username and reset your password: Go to the Forgot Password or Username page. your welcome. I may be late, but it sucked.. ya I contacted msp a long time ago and they haven't answered me yet and somebody took over my acc. I was never on it and it got locked and it wont even tell me y! &heart; THEY WASTED 1 MONTH! You can use this hack tool as often as you want without having to pay for it. you have to admit it.look at the facts.they've increased the amout of starcoins in the shop.they give you a warning or a band for nothing.THEY LOCK YOU OUT FOREVER AND NEVER REPLY TO YOUR EMAILS ONCE YOU HAVE SENT THEM 2 ABOU BEING LOCKED OU!if youu think this is TRUE then say "yerp". what do i do ? MOVIESTARPLANET WAS MY LIFE, NOW ITS ALL GONE ALL THE MEMORIES WERE MY DREAM BUT NOT ANYMORE! SolarWinds Mail Assure uses collective threat intelligence, 24/7 email continuity solutions, and long-term email archiving—all at an affordable price. :| I Got Hacked!! UGHHH what do I do?? No hidden taxes or credit card. Well here's how! If you don't have access to the control panel, check our guide on how to reset an email password if you are not the site administrator. Press Ctrl A for my alternate email that I want to use. Gmail has a few different ways to confirm your identity and recover (or reset) your password. It was only because I needed to look at an email from the end of October that I noticed the problem. We can help you get free starcoins and diamonds. then she said why r u on my account and she said u gave it to me!! :'(, My pc is locked for a week :'( JUST BEFORE MY BDAY :'(. A good example of RAT is Poison Ivy. Select Forgot Password; Enter requested information; Follow the next couple steps to reset your password. An automated confirmation will be sent to your email, from which you'll reset your password and start a new one. Hacking help advice! Choose “I have to Reset my Password” and click the “continue” option. I jusr hope all my friends t still on my friends list o.o, Ugh, My User Was abby hampton. Check your email inbox—you'll get an email with a list of any usernames associated with your account email address. ~lala~, i got locked out for 6 days and 1 hour and i woke up the next day and it still said 6 days and 1 hour please help me i got accounts from pepole and then i gave the stuff away from the accounts as gifts to my account and also it said i used bad lamuage what the i didnt do any thing bad this girl hacked me and like this account that im talking about and its my best account ever it was awsome and i was just about to get myself vip but then it said loging out then when i tried loging into my account it said you have been locked out please help me argent BTW HER NAME IS cupcake blackroseI THINK THE HACKERS ARE BACK EEK, AHHHHHH NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! When your account gets hacked on msp how do you get it back without email? These comments are old as my ACC on msp the username is BrandinCool in the us server just in case someone still goes on here. You could send a email to msp and explain, and say sorry for trying the hack, but that's all I can think of! Step 1. So i emailed MSP and told them. | All MSP trademarks are owned by their respective parties. I cant play and I had VIP! I didn't even do anything bad, but I was on the school's IP. please help. Call your State Health Insurance Assistance … same I got hacked.. Identify your channels. If that doesn't describe your situation, move on to the next idea. OMG I AM CRYING LIKE HECK! An email will then be sent to you with a link to reset your WordPress password. Never give away your password to anyone nor send it to any email address. Make sure that when you create your Moviestarplanet account that you choose a username you will want to keep forever!  It’s very difficult to get them to change your username, even if you are a VIP member! Please please get me unblocked from moviestarplanet! same! like who would read all the term and conditons?! Installing a Keylogger Search for a keylogger program. Check the Service status to make sure the problem isn’t on our end. I got locked out for a week for doing nothing. If your desired time has ran out, can you still get your account back? If you don’t use a password manager, those complex passwords can be pretty hard to remember. get a dominus on roblox get your roblox hack password back without email Edit itos.fun/robux roblox hack ml - DGG itos.fun/robux [100% Sаfе] Roblox Robux HÐ°Ñ k 2020 I emailed them and I have to wait 7 days -_- I suppose its better than forever! ;_; MY BEST ACCOUNTS I CANT GO ON EM ANYMORE IM LOCKED OUT OR SHALL I SAY MY COMPUTER IS TELL ME WWAT TO DO SOMEONE HELP!! Here we would demonstrate how to change Microsoft Outlook password with or without old password to you. ~ <3 pump. |, How to Change Your MSP Username or Password/Delete Your Account, MovieStarPlanet Cheats Blog – MSP Hacks Starcoin and VIP. Or just a week or a month or something. ), Dang how in the h word do I PLAY MSP IT SAY I BEEN BLOCKED. Before applying for an MSP, you should call your local Medicaid office for application steps, submission information (online, mail, appointment, or through community health centers and other organizations), and other state-specific guidelines. © 2018 MSPCheatsBlog.com | All Rights Reserved. i put a lot of money into my account, i put 304 dollars in trying to get my account where it is now and i cant afford to lose it! :'(, well i got hacked and they swore on my accoutn got me locked and also got my computer locked they besically scammed me with £200, i am not on it i was going to hake but i said no then a girl reported and now i can not get on. MY. I'm not gonna wait for 3 freaking weeks for them to reply 'cause MY VIP ONLY LASTS FOR A MONTH and IT'S ELITE and a freaking $14 WASTE of money! If you do it again, you will be locked out of the game. [CDATA[ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); // ]]> If you want to delete your Moviestarplanet account forever, just click on the Help button in the top right corner of your screen.  Then click on the icon on the left side that says “My User”. and i found that someone got locked out for saying HELLO!! -_-Btw the name is <3 pump, Yeh, same. I was wrong -_-. Also if it said that i got locked out but it didnt say a specific amt of time so to learn how long do I wait for the email or wait 7 days like @Vavavoom28 said? See a sample invoice.Any credit you have on your MSP account that qualifies for a refund may be applied to any outstanding account you have with the Province of British Columbia.MSP Premiums are eliminated as of Jan. 1, 2020. :(, your lucky, I am locked form all sites, it's so sad that I can't go on MovieStarPlanet EVER AGAIN IM CRYINGGG, And I'm Lvl 12 >.<'' ALL THE MOVIESTARPLANET SITES ARE UNLOCKED!!! For goodness sake, MSP. It was my best friend's girl friend. They haven't even given me a lock warning on why! Bunch of fake web site need to apply your money. But if u want to get back on msp earlier then the best thing u could do is contact the msp team. One is directly through your PS4 and other is through the web browser on the official PlayStation site. I DONT KNOW IF I BEEN LOCKE DOUT FOR EVER BUT ITS BEEN LIKE THREE WEEKS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM LOCKED OUT FOR GOOD IM A LEVEL 11 ALMOST 12 AND DIDNT DO SHIT FOR ME TO GET LOCKED OUT UGH FUCIKKFODASVCX. OMG i got locked out for seven days and they did not tell me why! If you’ve forgotten your Facebook password, you can’t really recover that same password, but it’s easy enough to recover your account by resetting your password to something new. Select “Get an Email.” Apple will send guidelines to the email address you give. We provide the best working cheats for MSP along with news and other updates about the game. She made a dolly fake prank account to scare people and it locked out all of my accounts! Message me on Moviestarplanet, My username is Mae5709, my backup is gameingwithizzy, just in case i get locked off on my main again. -djhr1. I got hacked then a guy swore so now am locked out forever idk what do its soo sad I and I have emailed them but no reply, i got locked forever but i wasnt told why i emailed them and i got a reply saying some random stuff about how i need to email another address but it didnt tell me who to email -.- my account was lvl 25 1 year vip that i had just bought its unfair how they can do this my name was xlzleighanna. When I put in my email it says this user has no email. Most sites will have a 'Forgot Password' option available for this very sake. and that's exactly what they did and that's how im locked now. Try searching or browse recent questions. And whenever you click on it i guess she gets your password! How to Change Your MSP Username According to the Moviestarplanet Help Guide, it is not possible to change your username. Account recovery is a process designed to get you back into your Apple ID account when you don’t have enough information to reset your password.
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