Welcome to the California Department of Consumer Affairs. BEFORE ANY OPERATION OR PROMOTION THEREOF BE LEGALLY … Home; About; Consumers; Workers; Businesses; Media; Partners ; File Complaint Check License Get Tips Manage Money. Welcome to the NYC Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) online services portal:* Businesses: Register for An Account to: - Apply for new license - Renew your license - Follow the status of your applications - Review and update your license information - Pay violations - Cure a DCA violation - Schedule a scale inspection. of Consumer Affairs / Licensing Division ‹‹ Back to Directory . Enter any combination of a first name, a last name, license number, and a city. New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs. Phone: (516) 571-2600 consumeraffairs@nassaucoutnyny.gov . Please call 631-853-4599 for assistance. Welcome to MyLicense Online Licensing for the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs: The New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs is pleased to offer licensees the opportunity to renew licensure or apply online via our secure MyLicense website. Before you hire a home improvement contractor, use these links to check whether the contractor is licensed or registered in your county. Following is the complete list of license numbers associated with our parking lots in accordance with Title 6 of the Department of Consumer Affairs Rules of the City of New York. Yonkers New York Consumer Affairs Department (Yonkers, NY - 15.7 miles) Mount Vernon Consumer Affairs Department (Mount Vernon, NY - 18.1 miles) New York Consumer Affairs Department (New York, NY - … Click on a company name to view details. Welcome to the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs License Verification System. Must be paid by check or money order payable to NYC Department of Consumer Affairs. Make a Payment. A secured drop box is available at our Hauppauge location. For your convenience, the two agencies have established a combined office for permitting and licensing. DCA enforces the Consumer Protection Law and other related business laws throughout New York City. 240 Old Country Road, Mineola, NY 11501 . Note: An odd year is any year ending in an odd digit, for example, 2001, 2003, etc. Train-the-trainer programs are also offered for advocacy and grassroots groups, business associations, faith-based groups and professional service providers. Skip to main content ... Any new licenses that may hereafter be issued will similarly be valid only through June 30, 2021, provided that the Public Health Emergency remains in place. If your business is licensed by the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) you must post the agency's combined license and complaint sign where all customers can see it. Renew an Existing License Online 2. Committee on Consumer Affairs and Business Licensing The Committee on Consumer Affairs has jurisdiction over New York City’s Department of Consumer Affairs and Office of Nightlife, including practices and policies relating to New Yorkers’ consumer rights. • NYC Department of Consumer Affairs • NYS Education Department, Office of the Professions ... Licensees may want to explore their options under this innovative program by visiting the website or by calling 1-866-432-5849/TTY 1-866-205-8922. Rockland County Professional License Search ; Consumer Affairs Departments Nearby. Label. Tips when Shopping for Services. The NYC Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) is extending certain license expiration dates and renewal application deadlines. Nassau County Office of Consumer Affairs 240 Old Country Rd 3rd Floor Mineola, New York 11501 (516) 571-2600 Select a profession and/or licensee type. See attached Letter and Certification. Company Name. Enter your search criteria in one of the fields below then click search. The Department of Consumer Affairs regulates and issues licenses required for vending general merchandise and the Department of Health regulates and issues licenses and permits for food- related street vending. Home improvement contractors must be licensed in New York City, Suffolk, Nassau, Westchester, Putnam, and Rockland counties, and the City of Buffalo. What would you like to do? The New York State Division of Consumer Protection educates and empowers New York’s consumers. Business license records are kept by federal, New York State, Nassau County, and local government offices. You do not need to spell the names or city in full but you must use at least 2 characters for any search option used. If you are uncertain of the spelling or if abbreviation is possible, try a partial word. - To Begin, Login Below. All applicants for a new license or renewal of their existing license must file this form! DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS . New York City Dept. New York City Department of Consumer Affairs License Numbers. You can learn more or request a new sign. WWW. If the item you want to replace was stolen, you must file a lost property report with law enforcement and give DCA the complaint number. California State Department of Consumer Affairs Homepage is designed to help Californians become informed consumers by learning their rights and protection., portal NOTE: Some licenses are issued in the name of the business, not an individual. Title 20 - CONSUMER AFFAIRS. Clear Search. New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs Skip Ribbon Commands Skip to main content Sign In. Rockland County Consumer Protection/Weights & Measures ensures to expeditiously license qualified applicants to allow timely entrance into the Rockland County workforce while maintaining a high level of Consumer Protection. Menu. They are most often managed by the NY Secretary of State, the Department of Commerce, Department of Corporations, or County Clerk's Office. The Department of Consumers Affairs (DCA) administers more than 3.9 million licenses in more than 280 license types including certificates, registrations and permits, from architects to accountants, dentists to veterinarians. The NYC Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) protects and enhances the daily economic lives of New Yorkers to create thriving communities. DCA Licensing Center 42 Broadway New York, NY 10004 Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Wed: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM ; NYC Small Business Support Center 90-27 Sutphin Boulevard, 4th Floor Jamaica, NY 11435 Mon: 9:00 AM - … Consumer Affairs Portal; TLC Vehicles; TLC Drivers; Vendor Inquiry. Consumer Presentations: The New York State Department of State Division of Consumer Protection presents education and information sessions on a variety of current topics. You can drop off your completed application and any required documents at the Department of Consumer Affairs Licensing Center or the NYC Small Business Support Center. New York State Department of State Division of Consumer Protection Consumer Assistance Unit 99 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12231-0001 Complaint Form Translations: Spanish/Español Haitian-Creole/Kreyòl Ayisyen Italian/Italiano Korean/한국어 Russian/Pусский Chinese/中文. This is a real-time system with access to the most current professional license information. The contact information is listed below. Insurance Coverage. Street Address. Top. Learn about Business Licenses, including: Where to search for Business Licenses online IMPORTANT: • If your license expired on February 28, you may not operate until you get your renewed license. Consumer Affairs; Licensing / Registrations; Obtaining a Home Improvement License; Obtaining a Home Improvement License Link to Download Home Improvement Application (PDF) Who Must Be Licensed? Submit requests and payments to NYC Consumer Affairs. www.nassaucountyny.gov . Offices remain closed to the public due to the public health emergency, however, staff is working remotely. This fee is payable by check or money order to NYC Department of Consumer Affairs. Please select the type of license you wish to search for. You can request a replacement for a lost, stolen, or damaged Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) license plate, decal sticker, ID Card, or license complaint sign. The New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs is pleased to now offer an expanded menu of online self-service options, through our secure MyLicense website. Text-Size. Applying for a License The Division of Consumer Affairs maintains 51 Professional and Occupational Boards and Committees that oversee and regulate more than 750,000 individuals and businesses in New Jersey. Profession: License Fee. License. NYC Department of Buildings Skilled Trades Licensees / General Contractors / Registrant Search The below search does not include Welder license applications and renewals that were submitted after November 12, 2018 in DOB NOW: Licensing . Label . NASSAU COUNTY CONSUMER AFFAIRS LICENSE - RENEWAL INSTRUCTIONS . ATTENTION: On Wednesday, April 15 th, Nassau County Executive Laura Curran directed all Consumer Affairs Licenses be extended by the length of time of the COVID-19 period.If you have questions regarding the status of your license, please contact us at consumeraffairs@nassaucountyny.gov IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING NEW YORK FORWARD PHASE II RE-OPENING & the DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS Instructions for Filing a Home Improvement Application (PDF) Insurance Requirements; Home Improvement Rules & Regulations (PDF) Consumer Affairs Home. Ensuring a fair and vibrant marketplace for consumers and businesses, DCA licenses moe than 71,000 businesses in 57 different industries. Our new database is being updated daily. • License expiration dates for Tow Truck Company (April 30) and Employment Agency (May 1) are statutorily set. Search. A LICENSE MUST ACTUALLY BE IN THE POSSESSION OF THE LICENSEE . The chart below lists the amount due depending upon when your license application is filed. Need Help? Effective Tuesday, January 19, Consumer Affairs lobby visits will be by Appointment Only. Find 6 Consumer Affairs Departments within 33.8 miles of Rockland County Consumer Affairs Department. Search For A … 1. Shopping For Goods; Shopping For Services; Credit/Debt; Scams; Tips for Young Adults; Tips for Older Adults; Tips for Immigrants; Tips for Women; Share Print . Nassau County Office of Consumer Affairs 240 Old Country Rd 3rd Floor Mineola, New York 11501 (516) 571-2600 LOT # LOT ADDRESS: DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS LICENSE # 11: 185 Pacific Street: 1461226: 12: 215 West 125th Street-Adam Clayton: … Specific information, including applications, about each board and committee can be found below. You may receive penalties for failing to post required signage. Child Support Certification. Consumer Assistance Hotline: (518) 474-8583 (800) 697-1220. Chapter 1 - LICENSE ENFORCEMENT; Chapter 2 - LICENSES; Chapter 3 - WEIGHTS AND MEASURES; Chapter 4 - REGULATION OF COMMODITIES AND SERVICES; Chapter 5 - UNFAIR TRADE PRACTICES; Chapter 6 - NO-FAULT INSURANCE MEDICAL CLINICS ; Chapter 7 - ENERGY; Chapter 8 - EARNED SICK TIME ACT; Title 21 - …
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