PHIL 424   Philosophy of Religion   credit: 3 or 4 Hours. We are going to engage with these questions by reading some of the philosophical classics (Aristotle, Hume and Kant) as well as contemporary readings. May be repeated to a maximum of 4 undergraduate hours. Does the existence or order of the universe establish that God exists? Could a machine think in the ways humans do? Various experimental special relativistic effects will be explored, including time dilation and length contraction. Credit is not given for both PHIL 100 and PHIL 101. This course begins with a survey of the classical arguments of Aristotle and Cicero. Selected topics in contemporary logical theory. See ECE 316.This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:Advanced CompositionHumanities - Hist & Phil. Study 65 PHIL 110 Exam 1 flashcards from Jenna N. on StudyBlue. The popular vote was a "beauty contest". In this course, we will consider philosophical views in metaphysics, epistemology, education, oppression, and bias by women philosophers from the 17th-21st centuries. Schopenhauer similarly construes reality ultimately in terms of Will asserting itself through nature. Credit is not given for both PHIL 100 and PHIL 101. Philosophical examination of positions taken on some issues of current concern, including the morality of war, climate justice, reparations for historic injustice, and distributive justice at the state and global levels. Specific topics covered include inverse optics and vision; induction and reasoning; learnability and language; philosophy of minds and brains; evolution; artificial intelligence and computational modeling; information theory; knowledge representation. We will discuss the normative principle of luck egalitarianism in light of three main criticisms: relational egalitarianism, libertarianism, and sufficientarianism (ad 2). 2 to 4 undergraduate hours. How should we describe and face evil whether it comes from other individuals, from society, or from legal-political institutions? Investigation of selected fundamental topics of philosophical inquiry. Through a brief survey of the history of physics, PHIL 270 Philosophy of Science starts the semester with the study of examples of scientific theories, their laws, their predictions, their evidences, their models, and their proposed explanations of phenomena. How should I live?) Prerequisite: Open to juniors and seniors with a grade-point average of 3.0 only by prior arrangement with a member of the faculty and with consent of the department director of undergraduate studies or the chair. Practical study of logical reasoning; techniques for analyzing and criticizing arguments, with emphasis on assessing the logical coherence of what we read and write. PHIL 103   Logic and Reasoning QR II   credit: 3 Hours. Selected topics from major writings in the philosophy of mind. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 hours in separate terms. Same as ANTH 109 and REL 109. See REL 110. Since the book isn’t required, your main study materials will be extensive handouts. Is it wrong to eat meat? PHIL 507   Formal Semantics I   credit: 4 Hours. PHIL 110. Seminar designed to study special problems in social philosophy. Study of selected major philosophers, movements, problems, or topics in the history of philosophy. We will consider several topics of ethical and public policy concern, such as abortion, experimentation on animals, drug and medical device trials, vaccination, and the provision of healthcare. To investigate these questions, we will engage the resources found in Kant’s practical philosophy, including his own and contemporary Kantian writings on law and politics, history, religion, and anthropology, as well as Hannah Arendt’s writings on politics, including her writings on the human condition, violence, totalitarianism, revolution, and banal evil. My aim is for the seminar participants to produce a publishable paper together. Your Course List. This class will be on theories of concepts and their application to topics such as conceptual engineering or different phenomena in the philosophy of language and mind. We will consider if the more specific distinctions between human, animal, plant, and various sorts of inanimate objects are also fundamentally ethical rather than scientific in nature. PHIL 458   Advances in Brain and Cognitive Science   credit: 3 Hours. This course traces the origins of philosophy as a discipline in the Western tradition, looking to the thinkers of Ancient Greece and Rome. © 2018 University of Illinois Board of Trustees. PHIL 110 DNA - World Religions. Ongoing dissertation seminar required for all students who have passed the prelim requirement. This will include a recreation of the trial of Socrates, who was himself accused of using sophistry to make the weaker argument the stronger. And how do we describe the experiences and the ways in which human beings resist and deal with having been subjected to such violence? PHIL 454   Advanced Symbolic Logic   credit: 3 or 4 Hours. We will discuss the desiderata a theory of concepts should fulfill, and have a look at how classic and more contemporary proposals—ranging from Wittgenstein, Hume, and Frege to contemporary versions of atomist and prototype theories—fare with respect to the desiderata. The University of Illinois at Chicago is committed to maintaining a barrier-free environment so that students with disabilities can fully access programs, courses, services, and activities at UIC. What are the basic properties of natural languages so that they can be acquired by finite minds such as ours and yet enable the communication of a seemingly unbounded number of thoughts? Same as CLCV 203.This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:Humanities - Hist & Phil. 3 or 4 graduate hours. We will also consider the nature of what exists and whether it is material, immaterial, or both, and the problems with each view, with particular emphasis on how to explain the interaction of the mind and the body. Students will get an overview of the core questions that have occupied both classic and contemporary philosophers: What does it take to, Consider the following dialogue: Anton: “Murder is wrong because I don’t like it.” Bert: “That’s false, for I like it.” If the disagreement between Anton and Bert brings out what moral disagreement essentially comes down to, murder would be at best like sweet red wine; disliked by most people but liked by others. Introduction to classic writers and texts in Western religious and social thought from antiquity to the Enlightenment, with emphasis on their social and historical contexts. The postulates of the special theory of relativity are taught as are the Lorentz transformations, special relativistic velocity addition, E = mc. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Discussion/Recitation and one Lecture. PHIL 471 - Contemporary Philosophy of Science ~ Weaver (Fall 2020). The second goal is broad. Archived. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor for non-philosophy graduate students. PHIL 102 – Logic and Reasoning (Online Course) ~ Fitts (Fall 2020 and Spring 2021). What about purported miracles? What are typical institutional kinds of wrongdoing? What, if anything, is race and gender? Survey of the leading living religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; examination of basic texts and of philosophic theological elaborations of each religion. Yet for Schopenhauer such willing is necessarily beyond reason, expressed in nothing but endless, pointless strife in the world. Same as PHIL 231. We will focus on Al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, and Ibn Rushd. What things exist, what things don't? For Stage 3 Philosophy PhD students this course is approved for S/U grading when offered for 2 hours of credit. PHIL 521 will be a research and writing seminar on the problem of induction and its history. explanations, as well as barriers to reasoning well, e.g. This seminar will consider recent “constitutivist” attempts to ground morality in the metaphysics of agency. Introduction to philosophical analysis of religious thought and experience. This course will examine various philosophical and foundational topics concerning how natural languages such as English or Spanish enable human minds form and communicate thoughts about the world. Consideration of some main problems of philosophy concerning, for example, knowledge, God, mind and body, and human freedom. This will become transparent when we look at some of the most controversial contemporary ethical issues: Should we abandon privacy online in light of our national security? We will begin with ethical questions (e.g. This class examines “German Idealism” as it developed in the wake of Kant’s “Copernican Revolution.” This revolution reframed questions about the nature of being, truth, and morality in terms of the kinds of reflective self-consciousness involved in confronting the world as a possible object of knowledge or arena of action. Course Information :Approved for letter and S/U grading. Select a Course. PHIL 108 – Religion & Society in West I ~. In this seminar, we will explore contemporary theories of distributive justice through the lens of luck egalitarianism. Credit is not given for both PHIL 106 and either PHIL 104 or PHIL 105.This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:Social & Beh Sci - Soc Sci. Can we reduce the effect of race, gender, and other social biases in machine learning decisions without degrading their overall performance? Various experimental confirmations of STR will be discussed including the Ives-Stilwell experiments, the Mössbauer effect, particular CERN results, Thomas Precession (briefly), and the Kennedy-Thorndike experiment. PHIL 106   Ethics and Social Policy   credit: 3 Hours. what is the relation between personal morality and social morality, and between social morality and law? Intensive study of one or two important philosophers of the present century, e.g., Wittgenstein, Dewey, Heidegger, or Quine. To this end, we will examine prominent psychological and philosophical models of category representation, relate them to the relevant empirical findings about stereotypes and biases in cognitive science, and discuss their limits for providing us with accurate models of human behavior. PHIL 270   Philosophy of Science   credit: 3 Hours. Course may be taken by honors students in partial fulfillment of department honors requirements. In other words, we will consider the extent to which political philosophy can be carried out as “ideal theory” (ad 1). PHIL 201   Philosophy in Literature   credit: 3 Hours. PHIL 435 - Social Philosophy ~ Savonius-Wroth (Spring 2020). Ludwig Wittgenstein is considered by many to be the most important philosopher of the twentieth century, who dramatically reoriented discussions of meaning, justification, and the relation of our “inner” life to the “external” world. PHIL 203 - Ancient Philosophy ~ Reese (Fall 2020 and Spring 2021). The first goal in this class is the class-specific goal of becoming proficient at the translational, semantic, and proof-theoretic aspects of sentential and predicate logic. 3 or 4 graduate hours. PHIL 316 – Ethics and Engineering ~ Hillmer. For a list of course offerings generated by the university registrar, listing rooms, times, CRNs, and generic course descriptions, please visit the Course Explorer. PHIL 501 - Seminar on Early Modern Philosophy ~ Ben-Moshe (Fall 2020), Title: "Nietzsche and Freud on Mind and Morality". When machines are trained on human generated data such as news corpora, what kinds of human-like social biases---including race and gender---might they re-create/incorporate into their `decisions'? For Philosophy Majors with Senior Standing Only. Introduction to some of the main philosophical problems and contemporary viewpoints concerning mathematical concepts, mathematical methods, and the nature of mathematical truth. May be repeated as topics vary to a maximum of 6 undergraduate hours, or 8 graduate hours. PHIL 107   Intro to Political Philosophy   credit: 3 Hours. Same as LING 438. 3 undergraduate hours. There would be nothing, Political philosophy invites the student to reflect on what is, and what has been, really going on in our society and civilization beneath the surface of routine politics. The key task which distinguishes political philosophy from cognate fields is the appraisal of what is politically possible in any concrete historical setting. However, we have also inherited a rival republican way of thinking, originally classical Greek and Roman, but developed in the early-modern works of John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. PHIL 101 – Introduction to Philosophy ~ Reese (Fall 2020 and Spring 2021). Intensive study of one ancient philosopher or the intensive study of a major philosophical problem through the consideration of a number of ancient philosophers; chief emphasis on Plato and/or Aristotle. In this class, we will read selections from Plato’s dialogues in which many prominent sophists are engaged in discussion with Socrates about the nature of their skill and the content of their teaching. Readings in selected philosophical topics. The 21st century beckons us, and we continue operate under Aaron Brown's guiding principles of Philanthropy, Deity, and Equity. PHIL 590   Directed Research   credit: 0 to 12 Hours. In its origin, the theory of computing was driven and guided by philosophers' and mathematicians' foundational questions on human thought and mind. PHIL 422   Recent Developments in Ethics   credit: 3 or 4 Hours. PHIL 223 - Mind & Machines ~ Del Pinal (Spring 2021). For Stage 3 Philosophy PhD students this course is approved for S/U grading when offered for 2 hours of credit. PHIL 525   Seminar Philosophy of Mind   credit: 2 or 4 Hours. Prerequisite: Consent of departmental honors advisor. The goal of this class is to explore the ways in which biases can be encoded in human representations of social categories, and their impact on social judgments and behavior. See Class Schedule for current topics. We will also consider some of these more historical writings as well as recent contributions to analyses of oppression (its causes and results) as well as ways to combat it. Capstone course required for all philosophy majors. Department of History College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. PHIL 419   Space, Time, and Matter-ACP   credit: 3 or 4 Hours. Students will realize how much inspiration computer science actually receives from philosophers' insights on the one hand, and what new insights computer scientists can provide philosophy on the other. Completeness, compactness, and Lowenheim-Skolem theorems for first-order logic; incompleteness and undecidability of formal systems; and additional material on proof theory, model theory, or axiomatic set theory as time permits. PHIL 199   Undergraduate Open Seminar   credit: 1 to 5 Hours. Young, ambitious citizens would thus pay handsomely to study with the sophists—wise people, who professed to teach this all-important skill. How do machines and our interactions with them influence, affect and enhance how humans think, learn, and reason? PHIL 472   Kierkegaard and the Self   credit: 3 or 4 Hours. PHIL 453   Formal Logic and Philosophy   credit: 3 or 4 Hours. This course will explore these developments and conceptual issues surrounding them. Letter grading applies when offered for 4 hours of credit. MC-468 Yet it is notoriously difficult to say just what Wittgenstein believes. But what exactly do moral reasons track? PHIL 443   Phenomenology   credit: 3 or 4 Hours. Introduction to the analysis and evaluation of actual arguments, to the practice of constructing logically sound arguments, and to logic as the theory of argument, with an emphasis on arguments of current or general interest. Letter grading applies when offered for 4 hours of credit. Description: Course Information: Same as RLST 110. The first way has become hegemonic. PHIL 430   Theory of Knowledge   credit: 3 or 4 Hours. Approved for letter and S/U grading. 3 undergraduate hours. PHIL 414 - Recent Modern Philosophers (Wittgenstein) ~ Sussman (Spring 2021). PHIL 110 (UIUC) Popular Course Packets . Are you identical to the person you were as a child? The course will be structured in three interrelated parts — (1) an introduction to the central themes of the course, (2) a focused study of normative ethics, and (3) an exploration of ethical issues in the practice of a profession, applied in the vocational context of the discipline of engineering (including safety and liability, professional responsibility to clients and employers, legal obligations, codes of ethics, and career choice). PHIL 425   Philosophy of Mind   credit: 3 or 4 Hours. Investigation of the nature of scientific knowledge by examining archetypal examples from physical science (e.g., Ptolemaic and Copernican astronomy); nature of scientific truth, validation of theories, nature of scientific theories, evolution of theories, experimental procedure, role of presuppositions, scientific revolutions, etc.This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:Humanities - Hist & Phil. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: HUMN 125 or PHIL 100. Does our hope for a more enlightened society lie in "progress" and "development", or have we reached the point where "development" has become degeneration? Prerequisite: One course in philosophy. Our primary interest will be in cases where the outcome of your action depends on some external facts about which you're uncertain. Urbana, IL 61801  May be repeated. May be repeated with approval, if topics vary. Without assuming any prior knowledge of computer science or philosophy, the course will take students to a journey through conceptual ideas that underlie the intersection of the two disciplines, from the origin of computer science to its current frontiers. Does enlightenment entail, not a progressive movement in a forward direction, but rather a return to such neglected riches of our intellectual heritage as "liberty, equality, fraternity"? Students will then assume the role of citizens charged with speaking before the Athenian Assembly and in the lawcourts. PHIL 438 - Philosophy of Language ~ Del Pinal (Fall 2020). The course takes a more formal, mathematical approach than PHIL 102, and so, it satisfies a level-two quantitative reasoning requirement (QRII). 14 pages. Prerequisite: Completion of campus Composition I general education requirement.This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:Advanced CompositionHumanities - Hist & Phil. PHIL 420   Space, Time, and Matter   credit: 2 Hours. Is abortion morally permissible? May be repeated. Our classes are typically reasonably small, allowing students greater direct contact with teachers than is usual for a large university. “Ethics and Engineering” is a broad-ranging course in moral theory and practice, open to all disciplines and all majors. Normally taken for 8 hours credit but may be taken for 12 hours credit with consent of department chair. 2 or 4 graduate hours. REL 110 World Religions credit: 3 Hours. However, we will also discuss the influence of Aristotle and Plato on these thinkers, as well as other Islamic philosophers during this time period, such as Al-Kindi and Al-Ghazali. What aspects of the human mind separate us from non-human animals? For Stage 3 Philosophy PhD students this course is approved for S/U grading when offered for 2 hours of credit. Hundert (Indianapolis); and Rousseau, The Discourses and Other Early Political Writings, ed. We will challenge three aspects of this view: its methodological basis, its fundamental normative principle, and its consequences for economic justice. Philosophy of Love and Sex. To be offered with varying topics. Same as REL 230.This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:Humanities - Hist & Phil. Many, if not most, of the historical views have been ignored throughout the history of philosophy, mostly due to the dominance of men in virtually all aspects of intellectual and academic life. Below is a list of courses offered in the current and upcoming semester, together with course descriptions specific to the instructors teaching the course. Although Kant’s approach dissolved many traditional oppositions, it left us with a profound division between the “realm of nature” and the “realm of freedom” and so with the pesky problem of the relation of unknowable “things-in-themselves” to very knowable “things-as-they-appear.”  In the 19th Century, Kant’s inheritors struggled to overcome these problems by tightening still further Kant’s focus on the first-person point-of view. Does the existence or order of the universe establish that God exists? Prerequisite: Consent of instructor for non-philosophy graduate students. We also found 110 background checks for Philip Smith, including criminal records. Prerequisite: PHIL 202, PHIL 203, PHIL 206. PHIL 513 - Seminar Philosophy of Logic ~ Kishida (Fall 2020). PHIL 101   Introduction to Philosophy   credit: 3 Hours. Topics and plan of study must be approved by the candidate's adviser and by the staff member who directs the work. 3 or 4 graduate hours. Comparative examination of important historical and contemporary conceptions of human nature.This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:Humanities - Hist & Phil. 3 undergraduate hours. Finally, we will examine the ways in which later thinkers such as the Epicureans and Stoics transformed and extended the earlier tradition. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. PHIL 411 - Nineteenth Century Philosophy ~ Sussman (Spring 2021). What are the conditions for successful linguistic communication? Letter grading applies when offered for 4 hours of credit. History of philosophy from St. Augustine to William of Ockham. University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign REL 110 - Fall 2020 Register Now NEW EXAMPLE_Fall2020_IMHA Soccer Ball Co.xlsx. Workload is light. The course as a whole will familiarize you with some of the most important arguments employed in both historical and contemporary discussions of justice. How should machines treat us? Individual study and oral and written reports on topics not covered in other courses. Topics will differ by section and semester. PHIL 439   Philosophy of Mathematics   credit: 3 or 4 Hours. Approved for letter grading when offered for 4 hours; approved for S/U grading when offered for 2 hours - only available for Stage 3 Philosophy PhD students. PHIL 429   Value Theory   credit: 3 or 4 Hours. In particular, we will examine these thinkers’ accounts of the mind, conscience, and agency, as well as their genealogical method and understanding of religion, civilization, and morality. See Schedule for current topics. In the second half of the course, our focus will primarily be on the relationship between computability and logic, covering the theory of recursive functions and the proof of Gödel's incompleteness theorems, among others. PHIL 110 (UIUC) Buddhism Part 4. Prerequisite: Open to juniors and seniors with a grade-point average of 3.0 only by prior arrangement with a member of the faculty and with consent of the department director of undergraduate studies or the chair. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor for non-philosophy graduate students. Same as PSYC 477. PHIL 307 - Elements Semantics & Pragmatics ~ Del Pinal (Spring 2021). PHIL 105   Introduction to Ethics   credit: 3 Hours. Does all the evil and suffering in the world show that there is no God, or does morality itself presuppose that God exists? We will use a textbook that offers a nice introduction to each topic and supplement this with articles that deal with some of the specific issues. Illini. 3 undergraduate hours. PHIL 222   Philosophical Foundations of Computer Science   credit: 3 Hours. Same as JS 108, ANTH 108, and PHIL 108. Same as ANTH 108, JS 108, and REL 108. Same as PHYS 419. might we be entitled to believe because of the various kinds of benefits such faith might bring? It does not count as an ECE elective. Learn uiuc phil with free interactive flashcards. Course may be taken by students pursuing graduation with distinction in partial fulfillment of those requirements. If you aspired to a political career in ancient Athens, public speaking was an essential skill. Professor Tyler Hanck | MW 12PM-12:50PM; F 10, 12, or 1. PHIL 100 - Intro to Philosophy-ACP class wall and course overview (exams, quizzes, flashcards, and videos) at Illinois (UIUC) PHIL 231   Religion and Philosophy   credit: 3 Hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. Lorentz, Albert Einstein, and Hermann Minkowski. Students will explore in depth a specific topic either in the history of philosophy or in contemporary practical or theoretical philosophy and will write a substantial original essay appropriate for a senior thesis. Credit is not given for both PHIL 105 and either PHIL 104 or PHIL 106.This course satisfies the General Education Criteria for:Humanities - Hist & Phil. Working from translations of the primary texts, we will examine the following questions. Students will get an overview of the core questions that have occupied both classic and contemporary philosophers: What does it take to know something as opposed to, say, believe it?
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