Loadbooks USA 444 marlin loading manual is perfect for the reloader who wants a guide packed full of information for only specific calibers they want. .358 Bellm Load Data Developed by Don Shearer, Littleton, CO. ... Cases: Reformed R-P .444 Marlin Max. Categories. You can also click on the image and a pdf version will open in a new window. 6 MM (.243) 6.5 MM (.264) 270 Caliber (.277) 7 MM (.284) 30 Caliber (.308) 338 Caliber (.338) 9.3 MM (.366'') 375 Caliber; Accubond LR. Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 9 guests, Nosler Inc  |  Privacy  Use  Order Processing. Pistol; Rifle; Cowboy; GR. Nosler. .28 Nosler Brass.280 Ackley Improved Brass.280 Remington Brass.284 Winchester Brass.30 Nosler Brass.30-06 Brass.30-30 Brass.300 ACC Blackout Brass ... Reloading Tools & Accessories. I have a 444P, and am planning on taking it on a spring black bear hunt in May. ... Federal 210 primer and a Nosler 165-grain Ballistic Tip seated atop 52.0 grains of H-4350. Good luck with it. Find your local distributer of ADI World-Class Powders and Ammunition. Thats pretty nice and shoots well too. Excellent groups, Scotty. I am using Hornady brass for this rifle and still shooting the open iron sights, as issued. Hornady currently produce two loads for the .444 Marlin, the Leverevolution 265 grain FTX loaded to 2325fps and the Superformance 265 grain flat point at 2400fps. Need to put it in jugs. Cartridge : .444 Marlin Bullet : .430, 280, Swift A-F/HP Useable Case Capaci: 49.641 grain H2O = 3.223 cm³ Cartridge O.A.L. … Nosler 250 gr Partition over 56 gr. Things to Buy at this store. I am using Hornady brass for this rifle and still shooting the open iron sights, as issued. ... and the dimensions remain constant and will hold primers tight in the primer pocket even after repeated reloading. Theoretically, the 1:38 twist coupled with the … ... is Don Shearer's bullet of … Nice clean looking and symetrical groups. Velocity from the 14-inch barrel was just under 2,350 fps. Are you looking for a Lee Case Trimmer 444 Marlin made by Lee, Check out our online Website Reloading Everything and Shop online Today! The 1895 that I had wihich ended up with Woodycreek, was also very tight and very accurate at first. This website is operated by Thales Australia Limited (Thales Australia), a company incorporated in Australia (ACN 008 642 751), trading as Australian Munitions. Wholesale Pricing on Reloading Brass. Onsale Load Data Nosler And 444 Marlin Hornady 265 Ftx 1613 Fps Load Data Nosler And 444 Marlin Hornady 265 Ftx 1613 Fps. Shotshell. Notable loads included Hornady’s 265-grain Superformance load that reached 2,339 fps and produced at least two groups that were more or less MOA. For what you have on hand I would be surprised if the 4198 wasn't the ticket for you. ALL 200 gr 225 gr 240 gr 260 gr 265 gr 270 gr 275 gr 280 gr 300 gr. ... 444 Marlin Quantity: 50. 22-250 Remington ; … I had assumed my reloading manuals would have this covered, but they are really lame in this regard. It is very stiff though and could use about 1000 cycles on the action, but there are NO problems with accuracy that I can tell. ... Reloading Supplies; Reloading Bullets. Right click on the image of the load data and use save as. I have shot it a little, but all with the Hornady Superformance stuff. Rating * Name Email * Review … Case Cleaning Prep; Cleaning Accessories; Cleaning Solutions; M1 M14 M16 Cleaning Tools; Oils; Patches; ... Shop at Reloading Everything forLee at low prices. $86.50 $78.50. Keep up to date with the latest World-Class news. Smaller caliber for prairie … Bolt Action Rifles. Bullet Type Primer. The .444 Marlin was available in a svelte Marlin lever-action rifle—the Model 444—and proved to be a thumper on big game from whitetails to moose and bear, though like the .45-70, the range was limited by the low velocity and bullet profiles. Each of these caliber-specific reloading guides are packed with unabridged information from major US bullet and gun powder makers including Accurate, Alliant, Hodgdon, Hornady, IMR, Lyman, Nosler, RCBS, Sierra, Speer and Winchester. Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 9 guests, Nosler Inc  |  Privacy  Use  Order Processing. And yes, today there is still only one factory loading of the.444. That has some really nice looking wood Scotty! They are not bad to shoot. 50pk. 115 SW Columbia St | Bend, Oregon, USA 97702  |  Toll Free: Nosler Showroom / Open to the Public:  Monday - Friday 10:00 am to 5:30 pm PST. Your right Joel, but my loads aren't near as painful as those Superformance loads are. Very nice shooting. It is accurate guys. 27 nosler; 284 winchester; 30 nosler; 300 prc.284 winchester; 350 legend; 375 flanged mag ne; 5.45x39; 6.8 rem spc; 6mm dasher; 6mm gt; 223 remington; 308 winchester; 22 nosler; 33 nosler; 458 socom; 5.56 nato; 6mm creedmoor; 6.5 creedmoor; 6.5 grendel; 45-70 govt; ... Find 444 Marlin Reloading Dies, and 444 Marlin Die Sets for sale here: Get the right 444 Marlin Die or 444 Marlin Die Set for your press here … It is easy to extract after firing, whether full length sizing or only neck sizing. D. 27 nosler. It will loosen up and you can stone what doen't. Add to Wishlist. A freind has an old one that he was going to sell which I was thinking about buying but I have not seen him in a bit. Read more. Matching Maximum Pressure: 45052 psi, or 310 MPa The groups are good, and I think you're right, it likes those big 300 gr bullets! I loosened up a little with use and was still very accurate but the tightness can be fixed with an India stone. Product Information Cartridge: 444 Marlin Finish: Brass Condition: New Quantity: 100 Primed: No Primer Size: … Lee’s load for the 300 is 42.5 grains of H4198 giving almost 2100 fps at over 40,000 psi..... with (2082 fps) 2888 ft. lbs. As for the tightness, that can be fixed and will likely improve with use. Choose Lapua Brass, Winchester, Hornady Brass, Nosler Brass, Remington, Starline Brass and Prvi Partizan. I worked up some loads with RL7 and the 300 grain Sierra JSP and the 300 grain Nosler JHP. 444 Marlin New Brass and 444 Marlin Reloading Supplies . I have the 444 marlin lever gun and a CVA single shot. The .444 Marlin has the advantage of using the jacketed and cast bullets for the .44 Magnum, making it a rather flexible design for the handloader. The.444 Marlin can push a 240-grain (16 g) bullet at velocities over 2,400 ft/s (730 m/s) generating 3,070 ft⋅lbf (4,160 J) of energy. Seems like it Jim. $42.75. Trim Length: 2.200" Bullets: Hornady and Nosler Primers: Fed. But I don't expect this to remain the lone factory load much longer. Latest: dciron; 10 minutes ago; Rifles, Bullets, Barrels & Ballistics. Reply. It was, in fact, the predecessor of the .450 Marlin, and the hot .45-70 (+P) loads that have taken the big game hunting world by storm. 26 Nosler Brass pk/25. I worked up some loads with RL7 and the 300 grain Sierra JSP and the 300 grain Nosler JHP. Many years ago Hornady produced a 265 grain flat point ‘Light Magnum’ load at 2325fps. Newsletter. Nosler Brass 375 … $55.00.444 MARLIN … ... Absolute Hammer load data. .444 Marlin (Handloader #317) Warning! Accubond. By clicking below you acknowledge the Warnings page and agree to abide by the Reloading Safety page. Email: info@reloadingunlimited.com Customer service: (5) RELOADING; shopping cart 0 ... 444 Marlin (1) 45-70 Government (3) 450 Marlin (1) 450 Nitro Express (1) 458 Winchester Magnum (1) 50 BMG (3) 500 Nitro Express 3" (1) 500/416 Nitro Express (1) ... Nosler Brass 222 Rem 100/bx $ 113.99. Best Prices. Despite its name, it is loaded with .308-inch bullets. Capture.JPG [ 83.22 KiB | Viewed 453 times ]. That one is a shooter! An Alaska-Yukon moose was also on the … SAAMI has rated this cartridge at 44,000 CUP. .444 Marlin (Using Nosler Bullets) reloading data with 18 loads. Jones of SSK Industries for the Thompson/Center Contender single-shot pistol. Rifles. 115 SW Columbia St | Bend, Oregon, USA 97702  |  Toll Free: Nosler Showroom / Open to the Public:  Monday - Friday 10:00 am to 5:30 pm PST, QL request, 444 Marlin, 280 gr Swift A frame. Out of Stock. RELOADING SUPPLIES, POWDERS, PRIMERS, AND MORE. ... Reloading; Hornady 444 Marlin Cartridge Cases; Talk with Dominique. of muzzle energy. I would be really interested in seeing how the Nosler 300 gr JHP holds up to 444 velocities in the jugs. Boy howdy I would say it's accurate. ... 444 MARLIN (2) 445 SUPER MAG (1) 45 AUTO (6) 45 COLT (4) 45 GAP (2) 45 RAPTOR (1) 45 S&W (1) 45 SUPER (1) 45 WIN MAG (1) 45-70 GOVERNMENT (2) 45/70 (1) 450 ... Brands include Hornady, Lapua, Nosler, Remington, Silver State … The .309 JDJ is one of six cartridges on the .444 Marlin case developed by J.D. … Every 444 Marlin level load exceeds the 308's power level in each of their respective loadings. Nosler Bulk Unprepped Unprimed Brass .222 Remington Magnum 250ct - $154.99 (Free 2-Day Shipping over $50) $154.99. @ 2365 fps ( All purpose load) Speer Gold Dot 270 gr FP over 54 gr @ 2305 (Deer and black bear load) Speer plated soft point 300 gr over 52 gr @ 2200 ( larger critters) ... Reloading for a .444 marlin [Re: Stu Farish] Morgancohunter Seasoned Member Registered: 04/12/06 Posts: 165 Loc: Morgan County, West Virginia Quote: I have not had any problems killing deer … TMP-1033121001. This bullet was not designed with the 444 Marlin in mind because the cannelure is in the wrong place for crimping (as shown below). So for many years, there was only one gun and one factory load designated.444 Marlin. Display. Latest: antelopedundee; 1 minute ago; Reloading. Rifles. Click Image to Buy. 308 Marlin Express Load Data; 300 Savage Load Data; 308 Winchester Load Data; 30 Thompson Center Load Data; 30-06 Springfield Load Data; 300 Ruger Compact Magnum (RCM) Load Data; 308 Norma Magnum Load Data ... 300 Weatherby Magnum Load Data; 30 Nosler Load Data; 30-378 Weatherby Magnum Load Data; 300 Remington Ultra Magnum Load Data; 7.62x51mm NATO Load Data; 8x57mm … Where to Buy. Rifles. L6: 2.570 inch = 65.28 mm Barrel Length : 22.0 inch = 558.8 mm Predicted Data for Indicated Charges of the Following Powders. I have shot it a little, but all with the Hornady Superformance stuff. Out-of-Stock. Marlin 444ss 22in bbl. : First and foremost, it is understood that both Mike Bellm and Don Shearer disclaim any liability that may result from the use of this data. From what I can see, the 444 has alot going for it. Weighing 13.4 ounces, it is an outstanding big-game scope and feels natural on the Marlin Model 444. I really think they might do okay. Mine loves the LeverEvolution. 44 Remington Magnum Rifle Cartridge by Nosler Inc. Bolt … The Lee Factory Crimp came to the rescue and evidently, it works like a charm. Reloading Questions; About. 220 Swift Ammo. I got the chance yesterday to try out some handloads in my 444 Marlin. About the Data, and My Comments About the Cartridge. With new powder technologies the rebranded Superformance load achieved an extra 75fps. It is accurate guys. The brass body section is hard and firm. As stated in the title, I have H4198, and a little H322. Excellence - Integrity - Service. That Nosler seems to shoot well. Good shooting Scotty. ... Nosler; Privi; Remington; Sierra; Speer; Winchester; XTB Copper; Cleaning Supplies. Bulk Ammunition on sale, including 444 Marlin Rifle Rounds. Reloading Bullets Barnes Bullets Berger Bullets CCI Bullets Hornady Bullets NAA Bullets Nosler Bullets ... 22 Nosler Ammo. I love the guns I have just want something else. 22 Remington Jet Ammo. Nosler Federal Barnes Bullet Winchester Brass Lapua Brass ADG Alpha Munitions ... BLUE COLLAR RELOADING. ... .444 Marlin Rifle Brass - $55. Product Information Cartridge: 444 Marlin Finish: Brass Condition: New Quantity: 100 Primed: No Primer Size: Large Primer Pocket Part Number: 4410 *This is not loaded ammunition. Shotshell. All Bolt Action Rifles; Bolt Action Centerfire Rifles; Bolt Action Rimfire Rifles; ... Hornady Superformance .444 Marlin 265 gr Flat Nose 20 rds. Load Data Downloads Open up the load data page you wish to download. Reviews . A 240 grain flat nosed softpoint loaded by Remington to an advertised velocity of 2,350 fps. You and me both Jim. per page. Lots of stuff for the trapdoors, and one load for "lever action" rifles, and then a section for bolt action and single shot 45/70's. 22 Winchester Ammo. New Starline 444 Marlin Brass cases. It is a pretty stout bullet though not as stout as some of the more recent super bullets out there now such as the Swift A Frame. Those loads spell dead game whenever you pull the trigger. Mine really likes H335, H4198, & RL7 with the 265 Hornady and 290 grain hardcast. 2 In Stock. Another good choice is the 300 grain Beartooth cast bullet. Find 444 Marlin Ammo for sale, in-stock and ready to ship at Ammo Freedom. New 26 Nosler Brass cases 25 to a box. I suppose I could look at the .444 Marlin or 450 Marlin data and sort of A number of factory loads were checked for accuracy and velocity. Ammo ; Brass . I had taken it apart for him, cleaned it, shot it and was pleasantly suprised. Once Fired Brass ; Pistol ; Rifle . Little less recoil than a 45-70 with similar SDs. 22-250 Remington Ammo. The 265gr JFP was designed by Hornady for the.444 Marlin cartridge and the slower twist rifles of the day. It functions efficiently when used with cast lead bullets. 107 SW Columbia St | Bend, Oregon, USA 97702 | Toll Free: 1-800-285-3701 | catalog@nosler.com I want thoughts on having a bolt action built. Favorite cast bullet loads include three levels using the 295 grain Keith-style gas checked bullet from the NEI mold. I got the chance yesterday to try out some handloads in my 444 Marlin. Excellent heavy bullets for use in the .444 Marlin include Hornady's 265 FP, Speer’s 270 and 300 JFNs, Sierra’s 300 FP, and the NEI 295 grain GC. If you need help with your purchase or have a question about this product, contact me, I'll be happy to help you! Hot load 45/70 or 450 Marlin . STAR-444MAR-050. Powder Sotty, that .444 seems as thougit has the accuracy to be a great rifle (certainly for a lever action). ... Reloading Tools & Accessories. Maybe a run with both of these and a burn chart to see what other powders might perform well.. Dewey should see this shortly but I am pretty sure he's using RL7 or 4198 so he should be able to give yiu some decent data. 444 Marlin Brass Starline pk/50. Good looking Marlin for sure! About; Disclaimer; Contact; Log in / Sign up.444 Marlin - Manufacturer Loading Data. Load Data Nosler And 444 Marlin Hornady 265 Ftx 1613 Fps InStock yes Valid Offer! 221 Rem … Sort by. Both of the aforementioned slugs shoot like wildfire in my old 444. Now let’s look at a few favorite loads. The fifth edition of the Nosler Reloading Guide shows that their 250 grain Partition-HG bullet can be driven to a MV of 2135 fps by 47.0 grains of AA2015BR, and to a MV of 2289 fps by a … Write Your Own Review. .26 Nosler Brass.260 Brass.264 Magnum Brass.270 Brass.270 WSM Brass.28 Nosler Brass.280 Ackley Improved Brass.280 Remington Brass.284 Winchester Brass ... .444 Marlin.45 ACP.45 ACP +P.45 Colt.45-70 Government.450 Bushmaster.450 Marlin.454 Casull.460 S&W Magnum.480 Ruger.50 Action Express.50 BMG.500 S&W Magnum. 210. Rifles. Gun: Marlin Model 444 with a 22-inch barrel and a … Its one of the few rifles I own that shoots everything well, even the little 180 grain pistol bullets shoot well. The .444 Marlin has never become a best seller, but it has never faded away, either. The Lee family of products …
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