K 20 GA. “LIGHT WEIGHT” (“LW”) (ALSO INCLUDES M/1100 “LT”) Fundamental specs in a Remington 870 express barrel. there was a 2 year gap in rifle date coded barrels and the normal consumer, or introduced, serial numbers were not assigned to ALL GUNS until the Federal Gun and return Your shotgun needs to have been rifled correctly so that rounds that big can even fit inside the barrel. The Express Tactical (stamped "Remington 870 Tactical") has an 18.5 inches (470 mm) barrel and is offered with 4+1 or 6+1 magazine tube capacities. Barrels; Barrels. If you email, please include your phone number.     1964 TO APPROX. They So, what about 2.5"? The most common of these designs are the Norinco HP9-1 and M-98, the difference being that the HP9-1 has either a 12.5" or 14" barrel, whereas the M-98 has an 18.5" barrel. many Remington firearms such as the 870 series of shotguns can have their [6] By 1996, spurred by sales of the basic "Express" models, which were added as a lower-cost alternative to the original Wingmaster line, sales topped seven million guns. Call or email Remington and give them the serial number, they will tell you when it was born, however keep in mind they do make errors. they would be the definitive source. If you're looking for a factory replacement barrel for your Remington 870 Shotgun, you've come to the right spot. There are no publically The basic fire control group design was first used in the automatic 11–48. W-84, X-90, A-91, B-94, C-97, D-01, AB-05, LETTER SUFFIX (DESIGNATES GAUGE) In, Canfield, Bruce N. "Combat Shotguns of the Vietnam War", AIM-120B/C Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM), Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, Law Enforcement Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Republic of Korea Naval Special Warfare Brigade, Cambridge Police Department (Massachusetts), List of individual weapons of the U.S. Armed Forces, "Why Remington's Model 870 Shotgun: In Production for Seventy Years", "The Five Most Popular Remington Rifles and Shotguns – Page Two", "Office of Law Enforcement - The Hunter's Responsibility", "Remington Model 870 (M870) Combat / Game Pump Action Shotgun (1950)", "Belgian Defence Remington 870 technical sheet", "Report to the Attorney General – Public inquiry into the deaths of Connie and Ty Jacobs", "Canada seeking to cooperate with Russia in the Arctic", "Police standoff at Tafalgar Street house ends", "TRANSIT-Informationsseite: www.denic.de", "Greece Ministry of Public Order Press Office: Special Anti-Terrorist Unit", "isayeret.com - The Israeli Special Forces Database", "L'Unite d'Intervention de la Police Luxembourgeoise", "UPS Unidad Especial de la Policia Luxembourguesa", "PASKAL Malaysian Special Forces Weapons", "Portuguese Military – Special Operations and Elite Units", "El equipo de los tiradores de precisión de las fuerzas armadas suizas | Armas – Revista Armas | Reportajes de armas cortas, rifles, armamento policial/militar, armas blancas, competiciones", "Taiwan's Coast Guard Conducts Armed Raid to Reclaim 'Hostages' Taken by Chinese Fishermen", "Guns of the United States Border Patrol", "Remington Shotguns – Federal Business Opportunities: Opportunities", "Cambridge Police Commissioner makes Plans to Reduce Gun Inventory", "LAPD Equipment - Los Angeles Police Department", "Pennsylvania State Police Select Remington 870", "Bất ngờ kho súng của Cảnh sát Cơ động Việt Nam (3)", A guide to Collecting Remington 870 Shotguns from Remington Society, Important differences between Remington 870 Police and 870 Express shotguns, AC-130H/U/J/W Spectre/Spooky II/Ghostrider/Stinger II, MC-130E/H/J/P Combat Talon I/Combat Talon II/Commando II/Combat Shadow, RC-135S/U/V/W COBRA BALL/Combat Sent/Rivet Joint, AGM-84H/K Standoff Land Attack Missile - Expanded Response, AGM-86B/C/D Air-Launched Cruise Missile (ALCM), AGM-88A/B/C High-speed Anti-radiation Missile (HARM), AGM-114 Hellfire Air-to-Surface Missile (ASM), AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Stand-off Missile (JASSM), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Remington_Model_870&oldid=1009286114, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, L.Ray Crittendon, Phillip Haskell, Ellis Hailston, G.E. They however continued to mark the date code on Long guns made before 1941 (WWII) were serial numbered, even the barrel date coded May of 1969, which apparently had been sent back to the This has been rebored to a 35 Whelen the end flap of the shipping box for shotgun barrels however. The anchor shown here with the date code is just a symbol, as many different It's used but appears to be near perfect. Military and comercial. For models without a serial number, we may be able to So I was looking at a couple of Remington 870s in .410, and noticed the barrel markings on both said ".410 3" ONLY". 12 Gauge 81 items; 20 Gauge 14 items.410 Bore 2 items; Barrel Length. In most cases, at least. Using barrel codes (such as those listed above) to date the manufacture are reliable on Remington rifles, as the company rarely changed barrels on a customer’s rifle. firearm. Items 1-24 of 99. firearm. Then if the gun is ever subsequently returned to a warranty center or the factory by ANYONE, they will refuse to work on it as an unsafe firearm. Buy at this store.See Detail Online And Read Customers Reviews Remington 870 20 Gauge Tactical Shotgun prices over the online source See individuals who buy each model was manufactured. The only 'tells' were the furniture and the barrel, and of course those can easily be changed. Barrels have a manufacturer's warranty for one year from the date of purchase. in this instance, you will need to know when Also for the 870 and 1100 series Remington 1100 - LT 20ga slug barrels. what is what. It says Remington 870 on the receiver, and the barrel is marked "12GA 2 3/4 and 3" 3 1/2" only with super mag reciever". Several parts of the 870 will interchange with the semi-automatic Remington 1100 and 11–87. different date. Always make sure that you have a choke tube installed when using a Rem choke barrel. factory and rebarreled with a original 740 barrel instead of a 742 which was in     N 20 GA. “HEAVY FRAME MAGNUM” (DISCONTINUED)     1968 TO PRESENT:  LETTERS USED (IN SEQUENCE)  L-68, for factory purposes, serial numbers were not the primary method of dating a Page, Originated 01-29-2007,  Last updated Shop for cheap price Remington 870 Police Barrel Markings And Remington 870 Police Pics .Compare Price and Options of Remington 870 Police Barrel Markings And Remington 870 Police Pics from variety stores in usa. Does the receiver say "magnum" on the right side? There are hundreds of variations of the Remington 870 in 12, 16, 20, 28 gauges and .410 bore. information sheet, so if your gun may not conform, then I am also at a loss in is always the first source which should be checked for date of manufacture as If you find marks on the barrel will be a Magnaflux, Remington proof & a test mark. Remington 870 - 12ga 34" wadlock barrels. In 1969 Remington introduced 28 gauge and .410 bore models on a new scaled-down receiver size, and in 1972 a 20 gauge Lightweight ("LW") version was introduced on the same sized receiver, and all of the smaller gauges today are produced on that size receiver. not be operationa since Remington moved to the deep south). Remington 870 Police Magnum 14 inch barrel (customize painted with cerakote color "Gunmetal") Remington 870 Express Tactical fitted with after market Remington ShurShot stock. But you need to use two letter code which is located on … inspector marks will be seen. Download If you find product , Deals.If at the time will discount more Savings So you already decide you want have Remington 870 Police Barrel Markings And Remington 870 … If you email, please include your phone number. The original 870 models were offered with fixed chokes. LeeRoy Wisner  All Rights Reserved explaining. Inventory ID: Manuf: Model: Gauge: Price: Length: Additional Description: BE-REM-197: Remington: 870 LH: 12 ga. $250.00: 30: MODIFIED, VENT RIB, 2 3/4 in., 98% IN STOCK     1950 TO APPROX 1968:  NO SERIAL NUMBER PREFIX Model 870. @View products Remington Model 870 Express Tactical Pumpaction Shotgun Barrel is best in online store. The gun comes with a plug for migratory bird hunting which reduces the magazine's capacity to two[7] rounds. Remington 870 - 12ga 34" wadlock barrels. In 1969 Remington introduced 28 gauge and .410 bore models on a new scaled-down receiver size, and in … The following barrels are currently sold out: Remington 11-87 - 12ga slug barrels .     U 20 GA. LW MAGNUM (ALSO INCLUDES M/1100 “LT”) number and model number we can determine the approximate age of your firearm. Prev 1 2 3 … For those who are searching for Remington 870 Barrel Markings review. 870 variants can be grouped into: Chinese arms company Norinco has made unlicensed copies of the Remington 870, as the design is no longer under patent protection. accessible databases for Remington serial numbers. Copyright © 2007 - 2021      A 12 GA. “SUPER” MAGNUM (3 ½”) inspector marks will be seen. 02-24-2021 NEVER used serial numbers to DATE their long firearms, but date codes. that could have been production over MANY years, in all below, the serial Does your barrel have a two letter code on the left side just ahead of the receiver (not the code describing the choke)? Here the R On the RH side of letter meaning the month and the last letter the year The following year the availability was expanded to the 20 gauge and included other barrel lengths.[9][10]. Control Act of 1968. Copyright © 2007 - 2021  On the RH side of the barrel will be a Magnaflux, Remington proof & a test mark . We've more info about Detail, Specification, Customer Reviews and Comparison Price. exposed on LH top rear of barrel after 1920, the following The photos below may help a bit. The Remington 870 was the fourth major design in a series of Remington pump shotguns. After the war with numerous new 22 caliber models being If a specific Remington firearm has a serial number, Remington Customer Service Welcome to the Remington 870 Shotgun Barrels section at Midwestgunworks.com. You will also notice the month code spelling out the underside of the barrel, they will more than likely be fitters or assembly Since serial numbers were not required until 1968, your firearm may not have a So, if the barrel is not Remington 1100 - LT 20ga slug barrels. represents November, & the ZZ would be 1953. The Remington 870 Barrel is the go-to barrel for hunters and others who intend to use this shotgun for the sake of making highly accurate and consistent shots. Hoosier Gun Works, Dealing in firearms, 100000 gun parts, 2000 gun stocks, 1000 magazines, 500 barrels. Short answer – yes. To achieve better sales, Remington produced the Model 870 in 1950, which was more modern and reliable in its construction, and relatively inexpensive. They planned View as Grid List.     H .410 BORE (2 ½” OR 3”) So I was looking at a couple of Remington 870s in .410, and noticed the barrel markings on both said ".410 3" ONLY". (*)  Typically from the beginning, they Also some (not originally assembled to firearm), #3               Service section received, R.E.P. they stopped stamping The Remington Model 870 is a pump-action shotgun manufactured by Remington Arms Company, LLC.   LETTER SUFFIX     V 12 GA. (2 3/4”) It is priced like an Express, but the seller claims it is not. Model 870. If you want to get the most out of your barrel, you can bet your bottom dollar this one will deliver tight shooting groups and is a long-term solution for your Remington 870 shotgun. The following barrels are currently sold out: Remington 11-87 - 12ga slug barrels . I have seen one EARLY 740 S/N 54,9XX that has a final inspector stamps and assembly (product) codes in the immediate area of the it un-repaired. If a gun is returned to the factory as a fire damaged, There is no Please call or email to be added to the waitlist. The fourth digit Barrels have a manufacturer's warranty for one year from the date of purchase. Get Cheap Remington 870 Owners Forum for Best deal Now!! Using these barrel codes to date a shotgun is somewhat unreliable, as shotgun barrels are often interchanged at …    Compunding the issue a bit may be the fact that Remington Arms stamps their Description: The greatest selling pump action shotgun in the history of firearms. Contact the author, with the whole list shown here ONLY if it had been returned for repairs, The anchor shown here with the date code is just a symbol, as many different will normally only be the last letters as seen below, with the whole list shown here ONLY if it had been returned for repairs 18.5" 12 items; 20" 4 items; 22" 4 items; 24" 58 items; 26" 4 items; 28" 15 items; Barrel Finish. Description: The greatest selling pump action shotgun in the history of firearms. John Pedersen designed the fragile Remington Model 10 (and later the improved Remington Model 29). To find general manufacturing dates it may be best to It has dual action bars, internal hammer, and a bolt which locks into an extension in the barrel. If you looking for special discount you'll need to searching when special time come or holidays. Guns with this modification can be identified by the "U"-shaped cut-out on the carrier, visible from below the gun. Gorgeous wood furniture, recoil pad and a vent-rib barrel and bead sight. Contact Remington through their Help Center by e-mail at info@remington.com or Typing your keyword like Remington 870 Owners Forum Remington 870 Owners Forum Reviews : If you're looking for Remington 870 Owners Forum . stamping that trying to decipher them is impossible. Also Remington's receiver markings have changed over the years. The one on the right again a 30-06, but with a shorter barrel calls and resumed stamping the date code on the barrel on 10/1/01. As of 1983, the 870 held the record for the best-selling shotgun in history, with three million sold.   MODEL 1100 LETTER PREFIX Introduction Year: 1950 Year Discontinued: Currently in production Total Production: +10 million Designer/Inventor: L.Ray Crittendon, Phillip Haskell, Ellis Hailston, and G.E. [8][9] Twelve gauge stocks will also interchange on the older 12-gauge-sized 20-gauge receivers, although modification is needed to fit the smaller sized 20-gauge receivers employed since the late 1970s.      SAME STRUCTURE AS THE M/870. factory codes. center or the factory by ANYONE, they will refuse to work on it as an unsafe Just Click on the the image or description below and enjoy! Remington serial numbers located on receiver of your shotgun or rifle. firearm does have a serial number, if you will call or email to the address 22 calibers. However In 1986 Remington introduced the new Remington "Rem Choke" system of screw-in chokes (also fitted to Remington model 1100 auto-loading shotguns at the same time). Pinckney, 3+1, 4+1, 5+1, 6+1, or 7+1 round internal tube, Bead, twin bead, adjustable open sights, or ghost ring (all, This page was last edited on 27 February 2021, at 19:29. being a 3 is inconsequential being an assembly number. [13] In the United States, where most Norinco products are specifically non-importable,[14] this shotgun was imported and sold under the names Norinco Hawk 982 and Interstate Hawk 982. The Model 31 was well liked,[5] but struggled for sales in the shadow of the Winchester Model 12. Improved. or blown up firearm, the factory will stamp it as a prefix to their date code with a #4 on the barrel An issue that people need to be aware of, is that of manufacture. If a gun is returned to the factory as a fire damaged, or blown up firearm, the factory will stamp it as a prefix to their date code with a #4 on the barrel and return it un-repaired. These Factory Remington replacement barrels are the same high quality barrels found in their 870 Express shotguns, and are perfect for converting your bird gun into a home defense gun, or just having different barrel lengths to fit the situation at hand. barrels easily changed or replaced. (this number may will only be stamped where applicable, #2               Part order barrel  It can be translated into the month and year the BARREL was produced - as long as the barrel is original to the gun, that date should get you pretty close to the gun's production month and year. marks, which mean nothing as to dating the firearm. production at that time. Back up what they tell you with this information; DECODING REMINGTON SERIAL NUMBERS Model 870 LETTER PREFIX 1950 TO APPROX 1968: NO SERIAL NUMBER PREFIX 1968 TO PRESENT: LETTERS USED (IN SEQUENCE) We've more information about Detail, Specification, Customer Reviews and Comparison Price. Then if the gun is ever subsequently returned to a warranty original to the specific firearm in question the barrel date code may be meaningless. You will notice the year code repeats itself, but over 20 years difference. bought new October 10, 1954. Gorgeous wood furniture, recoil pad and a vent-rib barrel and bead sight. [15], pump-action shotgun made by Remington Arms Company, Remington Model 870 12 Gauge pump action shotgun (Wingmaster model), Wallack, LR. shotguns there was a code to identify caliber/size of the actions. The factory says all barrels are date code The original Police guns were marked Wingmaster, for example.     W 16 GA. ( 2 ¾” ) Please call or email to be added to the waitlist. The seller says it is not an Express, no markings that it's an express, etc. The above  information was taken from Remington's own They reached two million guns by 1973 (ten times the number of Model 31 shotguns it replaced). age of your firearm. on using just the serial numbers to tell when the gun was manufactured. It is widely used by the public for sport shooting, hunting, and self-defense and used by law enforcement and military organizations worldwide. then saw the error of their ways apparently because of being inundated by phone Back to the Main Ramblings The 870 was a commercial success. So, what about 2.5"? Now you can do this automatically using Rem870.com Remington Serial/Barrel Number Lookup. It says Remington 870 on the receiver, and the barrel is marked "12GA 2 3/4 and 3" 3 1/2" only with super mag reciever". Remington Serial/Barrel Number Lookup enables you to check when your Remington firearm was manufactured. (**) Production 870s for over 30 years had a design whereby a user could fail to press a shell all the way into the magazine when loading such that the shell latch did not engage the shell, and such actions could tie up the gun. M-74, N-78, P-85, R-90 There is a two-letter code stamped into the left side of the barrel right in front of the receiver. I recommend that you check the price. LeeRoy Wisner  All Rights Reserved, Originated 01-29-2007,  Last updated The action, receiver, fire control group, safety catch and slide release catch of the Remington Model 870 shotgun are similar to those used on the Remington Model 7600 series pump-action centerfire rifles and carbines. Shotguns that we have offered with the Rem choke system include the Model 870, Model 870SM Model 11-87, Model 11-87SM, Model 1100, and Model 887. determine the age by the 2-3 letters that are stamped on the barrel. The 870 features a bottom-loading, side ejecting receiver and a tubular magazine under the barrel. There are hundreds of variations of the Remington 870 in 12, 16, 20, 28 gauges and .410 bore. the barrels with the date code.     1968 TO PRESENT: LETTERS USED (IN SEQUENCE) S-68, T-74, V-78, 1983. produced over the past 200 years, it can sometimes be difficult to determine the Remington never (*) (**) used serial numbers to identify the date of manufacture of BARREL DATE CODE  - stamped date codes. Initially, the Rem Chokes were offered only in 12 gauge in barrel lengths of 21", 26", and 28". gunsmith would have to contact the factory for this information. I recently purchased an 18.5", IC, blued, bead sight barrel off ebay for my 870. The potential issue was resolved with the introduction of the "Flexi Tab" carrier. 1968: NO SERIAL NUMBER PREFIX R.E.P. If you are curious in writing reviews on any of the Remington 870 12ga Bullpup Conversion Kit you've buy and have experience with, we assist you to pull off thus to back others who are looking at buying the thesame products. serial number. likelihood sights or stocks would be different which would indicate the Remington 870, 700, 1100 Serial/Barrel Number Lookup. Page. Also if there is a custom or aftermarket barrel installed it will not have these Overview Mark 1 – adopted by the United States Marine Corps in the late 1960s and saw service into the 21st century.     M 12 GA. MAGNUM (3”) So even if it (the code stamping) was used on the same model that I made into a knock around quad rifle with pivot mounts. Not all Remington’s are, though, it should be quite apparent to you if it has or hasn’t. stamped, well I have found some that are not, or if they are, are so erratic It's used but appears to be near perfect.     X 20 GA. “HEAVY FRAME” (DISCONTINUED) You can … I'm looking … Can You Put 3-Inch Shells In A Remington 870? 02-24-2021. So it may be difficult at times to determine exactly It was hard to tell from the pics and I double checked with the seller to make sure that it was a factory Remington barrel.     J 28 GA. The Rem choke system is for some Remington barrels that are threaded at the muzzle for interchangeable screw in Remington choke tubes. call their historian at 1-800-243-9700 Mon-Fri 9-5 EST. It arrived today and while I believe it is a factory barrel, the markings look different than previous 870 barrels that I've seen. Along taking into account customer reviews, new areas that are good for product research are our How-To Articles, Product freshening forums, and Product Specialists. letters were left out if there was a chance of misidentifying a date. I will call in short name as Remington Model 870 Express Tactical Pumpaction Shotgun Barrel For folks who are searching for Remington Model 870 Express Tactical Pumpaction Shotgun Barrel review. it's firearms, they however stamped a date code (spelled out below) by the first John Browning designed the Remington Model 17 (which was later adapted by Ithaca into the Ithaca 37), which served as the basis for the Remington 31. Both were taken off Remington 760s, with the one on the left, a 30-06 that I With that in mind, and considering a lot of variables. "Sixty Million Guns". they jockeyed year letters to a new starting point in 1980. If your On April 13, 2009, the ten millionth Model 870 was produced. Markings on a Remington 1100 For those of you that have a 12 gauge Remington model 1100, specifically the "magnum" version that can handle 3" shells, does the serial number on the receiver end with a M or a V? go to the Blue Book of Gun Values, which does give manufacturing dates of most Remington 870 Owners Forum BY Remington 870 Owners Forum in … So models. stamped on LH top rear of barrel, 2 or 3 digit, (month first, year after) these [9][11] This was caused by the shell which slipped out of the magazine under the bolt in the receiver to bind the action, requiring rough treatment of the action or even disassembly to clear by the uninitiated. Remington 870 Shotgun Barrels. M/870 LETTER PREFIX The barrels in this category are specific to the Remington Model 870 unless otherwise noted. That does not preclude them from also assigning serial numbers. You can indeed put 3-inch shells in a Remington 870. Remington 870 Barrel Markings Sale . Introduction Year: 1950 Year Discontinued: Currently in production Total Production: +10 million Designer/Inventor: L.Ray Crittendon, Phillip Haskell, Ellis Hailston, and G.E. The cut-out, combined with a modified machining on the underside of the slide assembly, allows the action to be opened with a shell on the carrier. inspector mark on this side. From the original fifteen models offered, Remington currently produces dozens of models for civilian, law enforcement, and military sales. Remington Barrels 80064 870 Express 20 Gauge 26" Vent Rib Matte - Whether you want your Remington shotgun to perform like two, or you're restoring an … You're currently reading page 1; Page 2; Page 3; Page 4; Page 5; Page Next; ... Remington 870 8 items; Gauge. BLACKPOWDERX, this is a common code in the firearms industry. Listed below are the fundamental specs youll want to look for in a sleek Remington 870 express barrel: Durable steel: Steel is a universal compound for these attachments because it can stand up to the constant pressure of shots fired without suffering damage. With the hundreds of different Remington models On 8/9/99,
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