Failure? Peaceful. leader of rebellion, a Norfolk yeoman. Sent mixed messages to Kett's rebels; he appeared to be encouraging them whilst also trying to bring the rebellion to an end 2. Kett's Rebellion was a revolt in Norfolk, England during the reign of Edward VI, largely in response to the enclosure of land. How far was Edward VI threatened by the Kett rebellion? There was a strong feeling that the ministers were not good enough to advance the reformation. The purpose was not to overthrow the government; It forced conflicts in Scotland and Spain to end It began at Wymondham on 8 July 1549 with a group of rebels destroying fences that had been put up by wealthy landowners. the articles of 1549. drawn up by council at mousehold heath. Kett and his men maintained the camp at Mousehold and continued to take buildings for their use, including a house that had been built by Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey. Use the thought-shower provided and expand upon the main points in order to support the different reasons for the failure of the rebellion. A complete lesson with a fun picture starter, full details of the causes, events and consequences, and exam style practice question using contemporary sources. Weak government response. The Ket's Rebellion Consider the failures convert these into the reasons why the rebellion failed. The tragic ending of Kett's rebellion, during which many rebels died in battle, is thus the historian's salvation. ketts rebellion. In contrast with the Western rebellion, the Kett's rebellion, was in part a reaction to the slow rate of progress Protestantism was making in eastern England. No threat. Rebels were powerful. Comparing the Western Rebellion and Kett's Rebellion in Terms of Causes and Threat The year 1549 in which both rebellions took place was a troublesome year for the Lord Protector, at the time, Somerset. robert kett. Somerset's move to force meant that they felt Somerset had betrayed them, hardened their determination to resist 3. PLAY. Kett's rebellion was motivated by both religious and economic issues. Duration June to November 1549 Leadership Commons rebellion led by Robert Kett, a Norfolk yeoman, but part of a much wider outbreak of disorder across much of England where the leadership was low level and low born Main causes Enclosure. Ultimately the rebellion failed There is some sort of regime change as Protector Somerset falls but this is not a direct cause of the rebellion. Kett was not a military man: Successes. These factors made 1549 a watershed year for rioting and rebellion. Buried History: the Legacy of Kett’s Rebellion by Paul Tritschler. Largest rising. Lacked gentry and noble support. Kett’s rebels were heartened by royal commission looking into the problem and thought they were… Weak government because Edward was a minor. STUDY. Kett took over St. Michael’s Chapel, which thereafter earned it the nickname of “Kett’s Castle.” The building is now in ruins. Involvement in open rebellion against the King was treason, and 1. Which of the following is NOT a reason why Kett's rebellion wasn't a serious threat? It was plagued with bad harvests, inflation, poverty and war. ... What makes the Rebellion more high threat. One of their targets was yeoman farmer Robert Kett who, instead of resisting the rebels, agreed to their demands and offered to lead them. Well organized. Remain peaceful: Threat to Somerset’s Government: Threat. 1. Manorial courts, as noted above, had a duty to enquire if any tenant had died since the last court, and 'what advantage the lord should have by his death' . Wasn’t directed at the king.
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