US Topo maps published 2013-present have a Public Land Survey System layer that can be turned on and off. Use the "Add Data" tool at the top of the map. We hope you find the application useful, but if you use this data you need to know that it does not represent survey level accuracy and can contain errors. The data release for the Idaho Primitive Area, including the contiguous, Clear Creek-Upper Big Deer Creek Area, Salmon River Breaks Primitive Area, the Sawtooth Primitive Area, and adjacent areas, central Idaho, contains a data set of previously unpublished geochemical data from the 1966-1984 projects. 3.6.2.IDAHO X,Y 0.0, 0.0 USNG 31N AA 66021 00000 Lat,Lon 0.0000, 0.0000 County Parcel Map Disclaimer ... Shoshone County GIS Data Disclaimer : The Online Resource for Shoshone County Parcel Information System Maps web site displays GIS data that is subject to continual updating, change and the data accuracy representations adjustments over time A new version of this item is available for your use. Census Data (2010) for Southeast Idaho. The National Map Viewer displays "BLM Public Land Survey System (PLSS)". (Support for this map is provided by the GIS office at the Idaho State Tax Commission.) Discover, analyze and download data from ArcGIS Hub. title: USA Federal Lands (Mature Support) description: Important Note: This item is in mature support as of May 2020. Covers population from 1900 to 2005 for all counties, and much more. This map provides public information about property in Adams County. GIS Data. Idaho GIS maps, or Geographic Information System Maps, are cartographic tools that display spatial and geographic information for land and property in Idaho. There are a wide variety of GIS Maps produced by U.S. government offices and private companies. PLSSFinder TM is a free application that enables users to download up to 9 townships of BLM-based Public Land Survey grid in an Esri .shp file or File Geodatabase. The Bonner County GIS Team provides centralized, accurate, and current geographic data to county departments, other government agencies, and to the public. DEQ Open Data (ArcGIS HUB) This is a raster data set with landcover types identified for Idaho. Bonner County GIS - This site contains downloadable data and mapping applications. Please, don’t hesitate to contact the GIS office if you need some direction on using the map. Analyze with charts and thematic maps. The County makes no claims as to quality, accuracy, completeness, or timeliness. Find API links for GeoServices, WMS, and WFS. This map uses the USA Generalized Federal Lands layer which presents the federal and tribal land areas of the United States. Mapping Evapotranspiration Understand the computer model that uses Landsat satellite data to compute and map evapotranspiration. Portneuf HUC unit GAP data (Land Cover Program). Idaho Census Data. Includes Bannock, Power, Bingham, and Bonneville Counties. Esri recommends updating your maps and apps to use the new version. Idaho GAP data (Land Cover Analysis Program). Parcel Data is updated regularly in the Assessor’s Office. Take the next step and create StoryMaps and Web Maps. Map & GIS Data Hub Find popular and frequently-requested maps, or view the entire map collection. Brock Lipple ArcGIS Desktop, Drones, Hydrography 208-287-2732 Katey Jones ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, Species Diversity Data, Lands 208-287-2893 Matt Warren ArcGIS Desktop, Python, SQL Server, Wildlife Data 208-287-2724 Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. For GIS users, PLSS data layers are available through the BLM’s REST service endpoint. The information acquired from source water assessments assists DEQ in overseeing public waters systems in Idaho and determining the likelihood that a water supply will become contaminated. The Bonner County Government provides this interactive map and associated data as a public service. Find data served through the Open Data platform, or learn more about our complete data inventory. The user has the ability to search by section, township, and range, download selected areas and/or print maps of the land survey information within a web-based map application. For assistance, contact Amy Williams (208) 373-0115 or Jim Szpara (208) 373-0485.
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