His Ice King persona starts to crack. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. However, FRANXX has been decidedly less overt when it comes to Ikuno’s preferences. Probably because VIRM does not want anyone discovering how to reproduce but also, because a pregnant female cannot pilot a Franxx. Then there's Nana, what they did was just wrong. She needs to continue fighting. But I am glad for what we got and hopefully there is some fanfiction out there that will fill in the cracks for me. With Kokoro the situation is more one of her ignorance about sexual matters. They weren’t that affected by the fight since they were never that close to begin with. Sakura is an exorcist and is known as "Rikugō". Mitsuru is a boy, Zero Two and Nine Delta are confirmed to be genderless. Speaking of the Klaxosaurs they seem to be an almost Matriarchal species with their ruling Princess and their female monsters-their males are only the energy source for the females to strike the opponents, they the females seem to have retained some form of sentience, the males have not. Under this context as well as previous hints, it’s hard to think of any other potential secrets aside from Ikuno’s sexual orientation. Zero Two's full ensemble is composed of a white military cap with a matching overcoat and boots. When piloting Chlorophytum, she wears a white bodysuit with light violet accents. “Don’t say a word.” The girl whispered, gently biting Ikuno’s neck. She has long chestnut hair tied with a pink bow near the end and is topped with a big, white and green hat. Do not worry, I’ll wait for you outside in the garden.” And with that Ikuno turned around swiftly and her sheer white gown looked like an upside down lily flower. However, she does not let this defeat her, she continues to give her all to fight for a better tomorrow. Ikuno acts considerably nicer to Ichigo in episode 7 compared to how she usually treats Mitsuru in aforementioned episode and in earlier episodes, but that could be chalked up to how the two of them are simply not very close. However, she later thinks of Ichigo’s encouragement while trying to sync up with Mitsuru and manages to activate Chlorophytum as a result. With Yûto Uemura, Kana Ichinose, Nanami Yamashita, Saori Hayami. Ikuno tells Ichigo the truth, her feelings, her resentment towards Ichigo’s male partners and how angry she is at the system. None of this is addressed and it could have been with the two of them sitting down to have a conversation about all of this, in fact if they had it could have been on par with the scene between Ichigo and Ikuno but that never happened. I shook my head, and I watched Ikuno light small candles. Frozen with fear, Ikuno straightened up, her parasite uniform falling to her knees. It’s a nice backdrop against the tried and tired noise that dominates most episodes. One battle causes her to age rapidly-making her hair turn white. The syllable no(の) also indicates possession, so while the literal translation of her family name could be "m… Ikuno’s takes place in Mitsuru ’s and Kokoro’s wedding and cheers them on. With Zero Two this is addressed through her character development as she grows as a person. Mitsuru ’s sexuality is part of this story. I really wish we could have seen more of her and her growing relationship with Ikuno. One thing I really did like about Kokoro was how she acknowledged and validated Mitsuru ’s feelings for Hiro, rather then try to down play them or dismiss them. Nine Delta is masculine presenting and the two manage to pilot a Franxx together. Now, to be honest I really liked Mitsuru as a character, watching him grow from an angry and detached boy to a strong and open young man. Her relationship with the other Nines, is one of suspicion and dislike. She does appear female-with feminine clothes, long hair and breasts but confirms that she cannot reproduce and as a Nine, in theory could be a pistol or a stamen. That’s quite the conspiracy theory. She is inside a system that where she is objectified and sexualized like all the other girls but even more so, she simply does not fit into this system at all because her attraction to girls and her lack of interest in boys. If so why not? It is performed by the musical unit XX:Me, consisting of Haruka Tomatsu (Zero Two), Kana Ichinose (Ichigo), Nanami Yamashita (Miku), Saori Hayami (Kokoro), and Shizuka Ishigami (Ikuno). One is far more sexual then the other. The anime does contain some Queer characters whom struggle in the system they are in, trying to understand it, their place in it and finally realizing they need to rebel. While the other boys and girls were relieved and desperate to make amends and apologize for their actions, Mitsuru and Ikuno stand off at the side and just confirm that everything is okay by exchanging glances. Similar to her he is genderless but presents as male. The good thing is that she realizes this before she does something damaging to Mitsuru and is sincerely remorseful of what she did. The delinquents turned back to confirm, then they quickly left while glared at us. She struggles with her partner Mitsuru and the two do not like she other. 4.Gender Ambiguity: Zero Two, Nine Delta and the other Nines. Classical Chinese tales of the strange and anomalous, translated (roughly) by Geoff Humble. If they did, why didn’t they take the two Nanas and Hachi? He shows sexual interest in Hiro, Ichigo and has another partner, a Nine. I personally think so, piloting a Franxx clearly has a sexual element to it. This pigment, which is found in hair follicles, or the sheath of cells and tissue that surround the hair root, is an ingredient in the hair formation process. Hiro’s and Mitsuru ’s relationship is glossed over, the two never have a proper conversation about their feelings or their past. The very positions for riding the Franxx are in fact a doggy style sex position with the male on ‘top’ and the female on the ‘bottom’ as it were. And with that Ikuno turned around swiftly and her sheer white gown looked like an upside down lily flower. A brief list of all the story elements that are not concluded in the anime in a satisfactory way. She convinces Hiro to stay behind, admonishes him for giving up and goes on to work with Ikuno. Spoiler warning: If you have not watched the entire series do not read this blog entry, there will be so many spoilers that I can’t even count all of them. Is one a façade for the other. The majority of pilots are in only male and female pairings-based off of the Klaxosaurs’ own bodies-with the female becoming the monster and the male only it’s core. Ikuno being lesbian would explain her low sync numbers with Mitsuru. I think Mitsuru is in the same position. Perhaps this is because of how she firmly desires to be human while they reject humanity. Were there any members of the Klaxosaur species whom were homosexual or bisexual? The children are born (possibly from birth mothers or from artificial uteruses we don’t know) and raised in the gardens-a type of creche. She shed a tear of her own as she watched the boy with black hair and the girl with light pink hair walk away. The Iotas lost a few of their members but Hiro and team were left unscathed, the only “injury” being Ikuno’s hair being turned white… Throughout the course of the show Squad 13 was met with life or death situations but I was confused since no one died. They work with Squad thirteen to help rescue her from out space in the series. Ikuno, though, is aging much faster than the rest of her team, and it’s never clear why, though it is clear that there’s a hint of melancholy to her happy ending. She is also, very interestingly, a clone. Mitsuru is a bisexual boy, whom gets that rare thing a happy ending. The word Heteronormativity is very important here. We don’t get to know Naomi very well, she appears only a handful of times. She assures her friend that she is normal, accepts her as part of the squad and lets Ikuno cry on her shoulder. While there are other mysteries I would like answered first, I wouldn’t mind if this idea was explored a bit further later in the series. Throughout the series he only mages to connect with two partners-Zero Two and Nine Delta, both of whom are clones of the Klaxosaur Princess. Arguable making him bisexual as well as genderless. To which Ikuno tells her she is wrong, and she secretly agreed with Nine Delta. Probably the easiest character to start with is the one whom is the most obviously Queer, that being Ikuno. One battle causes her to age rapidly-making her hair turn white. While I did enjoy Ikuno’s story arc, I wasn’t as impressed with Hiro’s and Mitsuru ’s relationship. But this isn’t really answered. However, her problems are not over yet. Religious/Spiritual Undertones in Houseki no Kuni, Kuroshitsuji - My Opinion on the Greatest Twin Switch in Anime/Manga History, Shoujo Thoughts: ☆ ~('▽^人) Otaku Ramblings. But this doesn’t explain all theses things especially with how void the Klaxosaur are of primary and secondary sex characteristics. The story tries to involve how their lives would be affected by living in such a society with varying levels of success. For most of the series he is an antagonist. It may broaden you Whenever Mitsuru and Hiro have a scene together it is full of tension, as though they are exes with unfinished business-which in a way they are. The first image is that of sexual vampire, whom knowingly drains her partners energies until they are dead-giving her the representation as a partner killer. “And now we need to do the same.” He held out his hand to Mitsuru, helping the boy to his feet. The audience can see this in these last episodes, as these relatively young people in their 20s have gray in their hair and look noticeably older. The other Nines clearly do care about each, as can be seen as when Delta and her partner are killed. Code 090 was plenty spry until he was told to kill himself. She wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses and has freckles on her cheeks. Interesting ideas here! If Ikuno really is into girls, then of course she doesn’t care about these males. But this begs the question how do Queer people fit into such a society? I feel like her cat-ears-like hair are twitching *pikupiku* happily, my hand is about to extend to stroke her. Because the adults have achieved immortality, their reproductive functions are gone, and they see no need for children beyond piloting the Franxx robots. True Change cannot be made if it is bound by laws and limitations, predictions and imagination  -- Itachi Uchiha, Writing stories to help fulfill our passions to become authors, Monthly Update # 17 | March 2018 – Winter 2018 Anime Series Reviews, Spring 2018 Preview Post, Visual Novels, ETC, Monthly Update #19 | May 2018 – Top 5 Lists, Visual Novel Reviews, Fanfics – The Lily Garden, Spring 2018 Anime Preview – The Lily Garden, The Censorship of Transgender Identity in Tokyo Ghoul:re, Three Reasons Why You Shouldn't Call that Cute Person Who's Being Mean to You a Tsundere, The Poor Perception of Male Crossdressers in Japanese Media - OWLS June Blog Tour | Team. But, even then, my legs didn’t stop trembling. I hope that some of this stuff gets picked up in supplementary material or that the next big anime that focuses on similar themes is given more time to them so. Mmm, thanks Takuto! In order to prevent the Ka… Honestly, I am actually impressed they were able to wrap up as a much things as they did. In Episode 21, her purple hair turned white due to overusing her capabilities. These are just the ones I can come up with off the top of my head and I am sure other people can find even more problems. That is pretty progressive for an anime. These characters are: Ikuno, Naomi, Hiro, Mitsuru and the Nines (including Zero Two and Nine Delta). She needs to continue fighting. All of the pairing in the anime are adolescents because they are the only group of people in this society with functional sexual organs. The kids are called parasites (which is what would one could consider children in a vague and general sense), the girls are dubbed pistils while the boys are referred to as stamen, the position they assume while operating the FRANXX are overly suggestive, and so on. I like it. ( Log Out /  The society they are in shows us a world where most people have lost the ability to reproduce, making their society sterile and stagnant. While this effect both boys and girls, I would argue the girls are treated worse because their society is implied to be a Patriarchal one. She struggles to fit into her society of humans as a clone of the Princess, as someone whom isn’t, biologically speaking, a human. Over time, less melanin is available during hair growth, and this loss of pigment causes the hair to turn gray, silver and eventually white. She is at often seen wearing her signature red uniform, black tights, and white boots. In the far future she has become a doctor helping the parasites affected by aging live longer and helping the others have children. With the way this story is structured, it would be very easy to ignore such things and I am glad that Darling in the Franxx (DitF) does not. The Nines don’t last long after their society collapse because they can’t survive without their maintaining regime. Meaning that from her conception she isn’t like the other characters. She is desperate to be human, so she can be with her Darling (Hiro). With their sole purpose in life being able to pilot the Franxx robots. Also, this would explain why she didn’t pilot in whatever episode that was—the reasons were never brought up again afterwards, so it’d be odd to include the entire scene altogether unless it serves as a hint to future reprocussions of her repressed desires. I shook my head, and I watched Ikuno light small candles. Which is really unfortunate, the shorter a story is the more you have to focus on quality not quantity. Admittedly, this could just be a sign of nervousness between friends. Calm and collected facade later breaks to reveal a much kinder person under it, but also one who is really hurt-his hair cut visualizes his character growth. Like all tropes it can be used in a good way or a bad way, but I think it is over used these days. Looking for information on the anime Darling in the FranXX? Their leader is called Papa, it is the female characters whom are most at risk while piloting their Franxx and despite their young age they are routinely sexualised throughout the story. Report to Moderator . Their society has a strange relationship to sex, despite sexual organs being needed to pilot a Franxx, the pilots are kept in the dark about such matters. She was sharing a beer with an elderly woman with curly white hair, a slanted nose, glasses, and a yellow dress with red flowers on it, who was drinking prune juice. Her eyes turn red without her headband. That their leader is really an alien determined on wiping them out. However, her problems are not over yet. Also, Takatora-san」 Fluttering black hair, the appearance of many men and women waiting behind her, it’s Shinonome. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Ikuno is by far one of my favourite characters on the show, because of how resilient she is. But this isn’t gone into with a lot of depth. Authors note on sexual assault: Two characters nearly commit sexual assault in the story, that being Zero Two and Kokoro. I don’t think is a predator but rather it is an example of dangerous ignorance can be-which is yet another way this society is so flawed. The copies of a copy. In her few interactions with them she is cold to them. Only when Kokoro discovers a book about such matters, while exploring an abandoned town, do they learn the truth. Did he return Mitsuru ’s feelings or did he not fully understand the formers feelings and feels that he rejected him (similar to Ichigo’s and Ikuno’s storyline)? She has a slender and athletic figure; she is the tallest girl among the squad and about the same height as Hiro. In the anime, she is paired with fellow Heavenly Commander, Miku. Guess we’ll have to keep our eyes on Ikuno! She is a scared and lonely person whom is capable of some truly terrible things. The lighting, animation and music in this scene all play out really well and only add to it. The Nines are confirmed to be clones of the Klaxosaurs’ princess. After all Ikuno was in love with Ichigo and wanted to pilot with her. What About Yuri Romance With Forceful Developments? So, I would say Ikuno is a pretty brilliant character whom I really enjoyed seeing growing and developing. Although, we only ever see her take the position of a pistol in the anime proper. Instead she finds a purpose, meaning and love in life without having to be heterosexual or a mother. The second is that of a confused, lonely girl whom is desperate to be with the one person she truly loves-Hiro. What do you think of Darlin in the Franxx, feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts but no flames wars please, contructive criticism only. While some explanation is offered in that the Franxx are designed based off the Klaxosaur species and that the females becoming the monsters’ bodies while the male their pilot-it doesn’t explain away all of these things. I’ll have to keep an eye on this character who has otherwise been silently playing tricks on me! Zero two is feminine presenting and the two have a romantic/sexual relationship. Surely, the closet thing she has to biological family are the other Nines, whom are confirmed to be genetically derived from her mean something to her? Throughout the whole series she struggles with her sexuality, she is forced to pilot the Franxx with male partners. Just compare the uniform of the Stamen to that of the Pistil. When the battle ends with VIRM retreating, Miku and the others are shown to have survived but Zero Two is left catatonic. I did notice those things, but I didn’t put this together in my head. Would the Nines be considered intersex. Who was the woman Zorome mate when he goes into the city? Adults do not wear such things-their society places greater value on them. After a confrontation with the Nines, in which Nine Delta says some pretty disgusting things about Mitsuru ’s and Kokoro’s relationship Ichigo thanks Ikuno for standing up for the former two. Including attempted sexual assault, that is the triggering warning, leave now if you wish. Hiro has evolved from a human into a klaxoursapien, he follows the process of natural evolution, that’s why he’s a pure klaxoursapien and has the same color as the princess and all the other Klaxxosaurs, while 02 is an artificial hybrid and an attempt to clone the princess, that’s why she is red and the princess called her a ”Fake”. In the previous episode, Ikuno was experiencing difficulty in that regard and thus Mitsuru and Ikuno were left behind during the group’s first sortie. However, her problems are not over yet. Her hair turns white as she ages prematurely and must cope with chronic pain. The voice recording played in her ear, "Come back to the lab, quick. Usagiis written in the hiragana spelling of the Japanese word for "rabbit" (うさぎ, Usagi) Tsukino, The kanji of Tsuki (月) translates to "moon" while the kanji for no (野) translates to "field" or "civilian". Nine Delta thinks she is lower herself meaning that he cares about her status if nothing else. The fact they are both boys who wanted to pilot a Franxx is never really brought up between them. She has deep purple hair tied into a short ponytail with a blue butterfly clip and bangs on either side of her weary green eyes. Zero Two describes it as ‘lifeless’ and she is very right. The problem with Darling in the Franxx is that it is only twenty-four episodes and isn’t able to do justice to many parts of the story. Zero Two immediately sneaks up on Ikuno, licks Ikuno’s neck and slyly proclaims that Ikuno has a secret. Did I mention they were designed by a man whom has no problem pawning at women? Zero Two wishes in story that she could have children, similar to Kokoro. As a child he desired to pilot a Franxx with Hiro, even going as far as to be injected with a serum that could have killed him. Which part of these images are true? See my thoughts in my review post here. In a future world where humanity has been driven to endangerment by giant beasts, a strike force is assembled to destroy the monsters and save the world. “Yes, yes I understand be careful. Unlike the other main characters, she does have more knowledge about sex and sexuality-as can be seen when she makes sexual advances to Hiro. Aside from now having white hair, Ikuno seems absolutely fine. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. His hair turns into a lighter green, his eyes turn red and a portion of his fringe turns white which hangs over his right eye. Probably the thing that stands out most about this anime is that the robots are powered by pseudo-sexual activity between a stamen (a boy) and a pistil (a girl). It doesn’t get everything right, but I think that has less to do with a lack of talent on the writers’ part, or a lack of examination on their part about these issues. PJSalt . She removed her hand from Ikuno’s mouth, and stroked her stomach softly. What if Naomi and Ikuno had tried to pilot a Franxx together? In the distant future, humanity has been driven to near-extinction by giant beasts known as Klaxosaurs, forcing the surviving humans to take refuge in massive fortress cities called Plantations. Naomi only appears a handful of times throughout the series and does show a few rebellious traits. Mitsuru's hero worship of Hiro, and strong turn against him when he fell off the pedestal might hint at a more serious attraction. Both boys and girls are objectified in this society-with even their chromosomes displayed on their uniforms-a Y for the boys and an X for the girls. It’s not really stated. On the same note, it’s not really clear why APE felt the need to keep all the rejected Parasites in cold storage. With all of this I would argue Hiro is indeed bisexual, or perhaps even pansexual. They do seem to care about Zero Two as well even if it was a very flawed way. Monthly analysis of my favourite anime characters. Do they even exist? If synchronizing between a pistil and a stamen could be likened to heterosexual coitus, then Ikuno’s conduct could be described as fantasizing about an uninvolved third party while partaking in intimate activities with someone else she doesn’t really care about. Is there a romantic/sexual element to this relationship? Her weapon of choice is a scythe. Thank you」 「Ffufu, please don’t mind. “Ikuno did what was best for everyone, even when she was suffering.” Goro got to his feet. Lastly, I will address what the big problem is that DitF, how it could have been avoided and the problem resolved, lets dive right in. Ditto. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. If male female pairings are what are needed what about a transgender person? 「Ara, ohayou Ikuno-kun. They do everything to try and save their team mates. ( Log Out /  Could Hiro have kept his promise even if his memory hadn’t been erased? Who invented 02? Meaning that Mitsuru must have some kind of sexual feelings for Hiro, this isn’t out-right stated but it heavily implied. However, the existence that is disturbing my heart appeared and stopped her movement here. Sure, the two have problems with consent and communication but they do figure it out. Was she his mother in some way? Do intersex people not exist in this society? That, I imagine, was why she likely became her assistant and spending as much time alone together as I’m sure they did day after day, it’d be more illogical for them not to fall in love. Whenever she is the robot with her male partners she fantasies about being with another girl in order to activate the robot. I also like how she didn’t end up with a guy in end, I was actually really worried about that. For as much as it did right, it had a lot of flaws, but whether it was able to overcome those flaws is a discussion for another post. Did they simple become Magma energy? DARLING in the FRANXX is not subtle in a lot of ways. Ikuno tells Ichigo she has loved her ever sense they were children. Yeah because that is a thing. Some support for this: Ikuno is always stealing glances at Ichigo in the background, and blushed when Ichigo touched her shoulder in episode 4. Thanks for sharing. Trigger Warning: Through out this post I will be discussing sex, sexuality and gender in detail. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. When she tries to pilot with another girl (Ichigo) she fails to connect. Change ), Watching Japanese and Learning Anime ‘`♪ヾ(‘∀’o)ノ. While I did like that he was redeemed I dislike the redemption=death trope, because it means we will never get to know this character as a good person. The title for this is Reddit Post is, “Why the ending of Darling in the Franxx feels right to me, even though it’s not what I wanted.” (Reddit isn’t working, so I’m going to copy this word for word with the cell phone pictures I snapped of his post, I would very much appreciate anyone with a sour taste about this ending to read this reddit post here or on Reddit. This result in them not only getting together but later on having a family, by the time of the epilogue they are on their fourth child. Hiro’s feelings and sexuality are more complicated than Mitsuru ’s feelings are. Under this context as well as previous hints, it’s hard to think of any other potential secrets aside from Ikuno’s sexual orientation. Heck, he was fighting pretty darn well for a normal pilot. We provide you with weekly dose of anime. As a lesbian and thus “unproductive,” Ikuno must still devote herself to protecting the progeny of others to be worthy of a happy ending, even at great personal sacrifice. I never noticed this! Throughout the story, Hiro fails to connect with female partners due to the fact that he has consumed Klaxosaur blood. Beautiful World is the third ending theme of DARLING in the FRANXX. Like I said that is a big problem with this anime, which brings us to the next part. After Ikoma's transformation into a Kabaneri - a Human-Kabane hybrid, his skin inherits a pale grey tint alongside red marks spreading across the majority of his body. Hopefully this can prove to be insightful for the individuals who claim that DARLING in the FRANXX is only promoting heteronormative thematics with little evidence to support such bold statements. They stayed like that for a while, until Ikuno recieved a message from Naomi. Finally, Ikuno mentions that she wouldn’t mind if the boys and the girls never made up. Would the two have ended up together? Which I have written about here. Nine Alpha choses to sacrifice himself on the battlefield rather then fade away in his bed. She, like her father, has a very loud personality, shouting when speaking to anyone. With how popular Darling in the Franxx was, I think more seasons was not too much to ask. When Hiro forgets such their promise because of his mind being tempered with, Mitsuru is deeply hurt and goes on to carry this anger for years after the fact. Which is ironic considering the two really don’t like each other, they have more in common then they think. I feel like this storyline wasn’t fully resolved, even with everything I have written here. Mitsuru is a boy whom Hiro once made a childhood friend promise with. Zero Two immediately sneaks up on Ikuno, licks Ikuno’s neck and slyly proclaims that Ikuno has a secret. Sadly, this is not the only interesting storyline, Darling in the Franxx, does not fully explore: more on that later. What really made the scene though for me was Ichigo’s response, while you can tell she doesn’t fully understand what Ikuno is going through right now, she does her best. Yes, they are piloting that doggy style, your eyes are working properly. There really is a whole lot of questions that needs to be answered, but it would be nice if this is given more attention later on. It's like they were only there to look good. We never got to know why ikuno got sick or why mikus hair started to turn white. A common reaction to yuri developments, subtle or otherwise. In Episode 21, her purple hair turned white due to One battle causes her to age rapidly-making her hair turn white.
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